Gems of Streaming

That does not mean that you cannot farm level 20.
But why not putting the lowest level to 20? :thinking:


You can if you have left it there. the level 50 thing is only for the people that bring delves higher than 50. (I.E. Someone with a lvl 500 faction can still do it as a daily lvl 50 delve)


10 words words

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Not sure if it came up on stream, but in the beta patch notes,

Tier I - IV: 1
Tier V - VIII: 2
Tier IX - X: 3

Adding to main post.

You mean you have to leave them all there. :joy: I don’t have any there but know some who do and that will be a Nerf to their time. So no more daily delve for them I guess.

this is not good at all


It seems an Epic fail this “lowest delve to 50”.
Doing a 3 x full Delve run takes me like 10 minutes at level 20 thanks to the troop low stats.
Of course, at level 50 it should take much longer for the same rewards.

for me 50 is better farming then doing at 500 :sweat_smile:


huh? I think you’ve completely misunderstood.

The left caps at level 50. that’s it.

So if you only do level 20 daily delves, nothing changes.
If you have one faction as a daily delve at level 20, that doesn’t change.
If you did every faction to 90 for delve events, then you’ll have a 50 you can still play daily on the left side for those factions.
If you have every faction at 500, you’ll have a 50 you can still play daily on the left side for those factions

No nerf, only a benefit


Ok thanks for clearing that up.

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31:50 in the stream. They say it will be on the forced update. Not start of new week.

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There’s a bit more than that to it. Because the level 50 “lock” is in the left-most slot in the delve selection screen, it is subject to the 0.5x starting treasure modifier penalty. @turintuor has a valid point here.

**EDIT: Verified.



So the Weekly Tuesday delve event will still commence at level 20 (even if I have the delve at level 500)?

it hasnt changed

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Just to clarify, on stream it sounded like this was the only writ task being added. It was mentioned that it’s at UR difficulty to not compete with deed tasks.

I may be misunderstanding.

the left side having a 0.5x hasn’t changed. just the actual cap.

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See Salty’s clarification of that statement at ~32:10.


The task shown off on-stream was Writing Writs I, an U/R task. As the task name contains a number, there are higher tiers of rarity of that task. What the maximum rarity is of that task was not disclosed on the stream (to the best of my knowledge).

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I see an update in GW week, like tradition


32:10 says exactly what I said. Forced update. She said Epic Tasks will be start of week.

She says they will be available the “Following week” not start of week.

Edit: It will likely be forced update because troops have to be released for everyone at the same time. If players dont get a forced update it will cause crashing problems.