Gems of Streaming

This was an extremely hot topic on beta.

The change is not a nerf to the amount of rewards, but rather the the timing of those rewards.

Currently, in the weekly event, there are fixed rewards at fixed event point values. Players can earn those rewards at whatever pace they want, as long as they are obtained before the weekly event ended. That goes away, with the update. In it’s place, is a system where rewards are randomly rolled in random amounts per day. Over the long run, the rewards are going to be similar in amount to the combination of (weekly tasks + daily tasks) as they are now. However, and big however, is that the timing of when a player receives those rewards is no longer in their control. Further, the volatility of when those rewards are received is huge because the player does not know when those rewards are going to be received and the amount of awards potentially given in a single reward can be huge. Personally, I’ve seen a 100 gem daily task (it was Legendary) so far, and the devs have teased that there will be Mythic-tier tasks rollable when the patch goes live.

So, for example, right now, a player could receive in gems via tasks in 4.3 (by day):

All numbers made up for illustration purposes only, using gems only as an example because its the simplest prize to explain (gem values of keys and other prizes complicates the math more than is needed to illustrate the point).

10 + 10 + 10 + 25 + 10 + 10 + 75 = 150 gems

Whereas in 4.4, gem payouts might look like:

5 + 25 + 0 + 0 + 100 + 0 + 20 = 150 gems.

That said, because of the randomess of the rolls, 150 gems would be an expected value. In reality, players might range between 100 - 200 gems because of RNG, with even more extreme results in either direction possible.

Yes, there will be dry runs of days (sometimes multiple in a row) where few or no gems are rolled. It’s a feature of how the reward system is designed to compensate for some of the higher tier prizes (think: orbs of growth offsetting orbs of ascension).

Players will have to log in daily to check the adventure board daily for rewards, because who knows when a given day will have the lion’s share of rewards offered that week and if missed will be forever gone. It’s the same logic that will be used in the flash offer calendar.