This issue is resolved with the latest game update version 4.2. Guild Improvements. Please update your game to resolve this. (11th Dec '18).
Hi everyone! We have recently noticed some increasing trends in reports of players on console in particular (and PC/mobile) noticing their game lag drastically when going to the Troops tab and other menus. TLDR? skip to the aptly titled “DO MORE TESTS” section!
What does the issue look like?
If you’re getting this issue, you’ll be seeing the game “lag” (freeze for a moment and not do anything or go all jittery) for a few seconds, or many many seconds - some players report up to 20 - when doing things like opening Troops or Weapons, during a battle when matching Gems, or simply doing anything like like loading the “Victory” screen or scrolling down your Inventory. This does NOT include connection issues related to Internet or the game crashing with a specific error.
Why are you only asking us about this now?
Firstly, please know that we understand you have been reporting this issue for awhile. The dev team has been testing (on development and live builds) this issue in the background. However, it’s only been up until recently that we’ve noticed a large trend in this issue happening, and across multiple platforms, and also only recently started receiving full reports in tickets and on the forums (unfortunately discussing it over global chat isn’t enough). Only once we’ve noticed something like this happening, in the exact same way, for multiple players do we have the capacity to act appropriately and begin investigating and understanding the full extent of the cause.
So ! Juicy bits! Why we no fix yet? Because we (support, and the devs) still need a bit more info to work out what is going wrong. @Kafka has done a great job lurking in chat and gathering your info and has put together some solid information on the issue. The dev team suspects a potential cause of the issue but we’re all still unsure of at this stage. To iron out the exact problem and what we currently do know, we need some more solid data!
OKAY but first
Next, please if you would like to help us fix the bug, answers some questions! If you’ve already given lots of details on this lovely bug report, no need to post here again.
- Platform and level (you don’t have to share your level if you aren’t comfortable doing so)
- How long have you been playing the game for, and how long did you have Gems of War open for, before the game lag starting occurring?
- Does it happen when you are doing anything specific in the game?
- What animation speed are you playing on?
- How frequently does it happen in each “session” of play?
- If you had a million dollars which you could only spend on one time of sweet/lolly/chocolate, would you would buy?