Flags for all

Just a question to the devs, why have we only got flag portraits from a few select countries?.


Hey! I’ve actually wondered the same thing, it would be great to have my own country flag there, but there are most likely just too many flags in the world to add all… :upside_down_face:

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I’ll await a response from salty

Hey @xGemwizardx,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The reason we only have flag portraits for a few countries is that most of our players come from those areas and we have given more to content those countries.

But if you would like to see more flags and holidays celebrated please let us know which ones are important to include I’ll pass feed back on to the Dev Team.

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:

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More flags and holiday symbols would be great please for the sack of all things good don’t be like most games that either chose or forget your Jewish and Israeli players. I’d pay money to have my flag or a little menorah for Chanukah.

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So if we gotta fight for content then I would like St George’s day please :england:


:israel::badger::heavy_minus_sign::six_pointed_star::menorah: just some suggestions

I think this is a great idea.
I’d like a flag for my home country of :taiwan: Taiwan :taiwan:



How about a simple Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down emoji in the group chat…? :+1: :-1:



I don’t agree with that, Im sure there are far more players in Russia than in France yet there is no Russian Flag but there is a French one.
Also why is one contingent of players more important than another? We all play the same game and thus we should all be equal to the devs.
Now I live in a small country (Belgium) and I know of many players in my country, so according to your statement since we are a small country we don’t count as much as the players from the. for instance, USA? Well thank you very much for that devs!! (and yes this is meant to be sarcastic)
Well since you ask for it I would love to see the Belgium flag and Lion appear next year 21st of July. (our national holiday or founding day whatever you wanna call it)


It really doesn’t matter what size the country is. Finland is pretty small and they thought it deserves to have it’s flag on the Invasion event…


It would be nice if flags of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia was added :slight_smile:


Please be fair to everyone. All countries are important.

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Great point I can’t see it being hard to add flags for the world nations it would also be a great for marketing the game :israel:

Same as @WWDiver mentioned, I also don’t agree with @OminousGMan statement. We play this game too regardless of how small is the country and we support this game with real money too.
Why the racisms? you care only for the big countries! sound strange and unprofessional in my opinion. I am from small county called Kuwait and National Day is 25th of Feb.

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It’s rather financials.

Quite the contrary, that’s considered professional. Making in-game assets costs time and money. A big country will have more people than a tiny one willing to pay $5 for a flash offer containing their flag, so that’s more profit for the same amount of time and money spent. Sucks, but that’s how the business world works.


So why is there no chineese, or Russian flags if big countries are big business. Or am I missing the point.

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The man said its due to the player base not the country size, is the reason behind the flags being issued. So Australia, US, Canada and France must across all platforms have the most accts playing the game is how I read it.

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Is GoW somehow racist? Didn’t really think about it until I read @OminousGMan response.

Meh, more ‘lazy’ or ‘ignorant’ than anything. Flip through the human-like races. The face types available are: ‘White’, ‘White – but this time I picked brown for the fill tool – that counts as black, right?’ and ‘White – but what white movie stars playing Chinese villains in the 1950s looked like, also: funny ethnic beards’

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