[FIXED] Solar Winds, Lunar Tide and The Decaying Orbit have no affixes

Platform, device version and operating system:

Screenshot or image:
Can be viewed at taransworld.com. Will be visible in the game once 7.3 drops and the new cosmic dragons and these weapons can be crafted.

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Solar Winds, Lunar Tide and The Decaying Orbit are the new weapons released today that will be craftable with the new cosmic dragons. They are legendary, legendary and mythic respectively, so should have 4, 4 and 5 named affixes, but they have none, only the 5 stat boosting upgrades, so they have weapon upgrades like a common weapon rather than legendary or mythic.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Always happens with these weapons.

Steps to make it happen again
One of:
a) View data at GoW Weapon Spoilers and filter on the weapon names
b) Inspect the game data
c) [Presumed] Observe on test servers already running 7.3 (perhaps a beta tester can confirm?)
d) [Presumed] Observe on live server with 7.3 goes live

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Guess thats one of the reasons the update is postponed

The Enor-mace (weapon for next invasion - anticipated to next week) has the same issue.

This has been fixed, the three weapons now have the expected number of affixes.

Maybe this would have happened anyway; maybe this post gave the ninja-fixers a nudge.