Dragon's Claw Appears!

No, sorry. I have an irritating preference for correct grammar in addition to an irritating preference for anatomically plausible and occasionally clothed female art.

I do acknowledge that both can be irritating, depending on the audience.

*** Edited to add: Just to make things even more confusing, Desdaemona is probably my favorite troop since Mercy. Sorry.


Aussies are not known for their grasp of the English language proper.

Neither are Americans, your point?

“Neither are Americans.”



Priceless. :laughing:


Nor Canadians, apparently.


I’m American and I’m also dumb. I support this message.

-Direwolf for King 1564

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Aussies like to abbreviate everything, and skip syllables in words. I’m vacationing in Oz and feel like I need a translator sometimes. Luckily, I have one lol

I’m excited for the event week! I want that new legendary for sure. Hopefully I get lucky

Maybe it’s a matter that you find some arts more elegant than others. Some cards have a “vibe” that is open to interpretation and occasionally some will look… improper.

No need to wait til the event week for the new legendary. It’s already available in the Glory, Gem, and VIP chests!

The only troops that aren’t available now are the two that are in the quest line but not in the troops list: Coatl and Dragonian Rogue. My assumption is that these two will appear in Glory Bundles.

Well, it’ll get a lot easier to obtain the Legendary using Event keys.


Good point. Edited my comment so it doesn’t mislead anyone.

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Beat me to it…

I heard that’s slated for two events from now (a double).


Nobody is speaking English correctly anymore, big deal.

Oh thanks for that knowledge! I never know anymore what’s actually in chests lol

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TBH I’m a big fan of the idea that the rules of grammar should follow usage and not dictate it. Linguists and grammarians have the job of tracking and analyzing language as it evolves, not freezing that evolution.

That being said, the difference between a contraction and a possessive is useful, designed to clarify, and is worth fixing.


Where is this guy hidding… mana rows in a X pattern lol

Priceless! :sweat_smile::smile:

That looks like a Kingdom Event troop for a couple weeks from now.

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