Developers! We ask you to fulfill what you promised!

In update 7.3 you said the following: «In a future update, we will introduce PvP Seasons, and your VP will reset (not back to zero though – there will be ways to get a headstart)»

However, our VP were reset to ZERO. I think it is necessary

  1. To reset VP to ZERO at the beginning of each season for season goals (as it is done every week for PVP goals)

  2. To give 75% of the VP gained during the previous season at the beginning of the next season to determine the Alliance rank

I think you understand that cheating on the part of the developers is not a motivation for players to donate, but rather the opposite…

P.S. No need to compensate for your cheating with 50 diamonds. This is terribly annoying for everyone, especially old players

P.S. S. Sorry for my English, I am writing with the help of a translator


Yeah the reset of vp to zero every season is absurd. This game is not a job.

They wont listen. You saw it with kafka. Saying “yeah people dont like this, but some do so its on.”


I suspect that resetting VP regularly is intended to avoid the super-elite players from racking up scores so high that it bugs out and bans them from the game. The regular resetting of VP sucks, but I can understand why they might need it. The bigger problem is that they added mechanics to the resetting, forcing players to grind heavily at the start of a new season, to unlock features they already had access to, and that they should automatically have access to anyway, like chat and shop. If it was just a useless number dropping back to 0, people would be annoyed but not too much. The fact that that number is used as a check to see if you can do stuff is annoying a lot of people way more.
Add to that the fact that the devs are now patting themselves on the back at the “engagement” with the new PvP, because players are trying to unlock access they already had, meaning that engagement isn’t genuine. It’s creating a lot of bad feeling, overall. If they were honest about the need for VP to reset, and didn’t lock content behind it, and act like annoyed people unlocking stuff was a sign they were doing great, it would go down a lot better.


I had 5kk vp last season, over what, 6 months of irregular pvp? 75% of it would crush all their dreams of us buying the vp icons lol.

Maybe 15% would be good enough


The alliance unlocks should be one time unlocks at least as long as you remain in the alliance. I could see having to repeat them if you change alliances. Although… why? haha

I’m not even talking about the ranks. Just things like being able to chat and being able to spend your marks.


If they are concerned about excessively high total VP breaking the game, then why not just bring everyone over 800k VP back to 800k when a new season starts, and let everyone under 800k keep all of their VP? Once you have 800k VP, there’s nothing left to gain for going even higher than that, so being brought back to 800k would not cost you anything as you would still have enough VP for top alliance rank.

As for season passes, they should have added a separate tally for season VP that could be used to unlock season pass rewards, just like there already is a separate tally for weekly VP used for weekly goals and bracket/global leaderboards.

Sure, you’d still need to grind out 180k VP each season to unlock all pass tiers, but at least with my suggestion you wouldn’t have needed to re-earn your alliance ranks and your ability to buy things in the PVP shop.


I’m not annoyed at the VP reset.
I AM annoyed that my Alliance rank gets reset. Trying to rack up 800k vp every season is going to be a PAIN!


The VP reset for every season could easily be fixed by having the devs remove the VP requirement (up to 800k) every season for alliance ranks. It should be treated like a goal where once you earned 800k VP, you should never have to earn it again.

I don’t understand their illogical decision of keeping our loyalty days but not our VP. If the number was getting too high, then they could have just “banked” our VP that we were building up. Once we reach higher alliance ranks, why should we have to “re-earn” them?

Like much of pvp, there are many things that make no sense at all…:dizzy_face:


My only thought is they want the increased playtime. They want us to have to grind 800k vp every season because these devs no longer respect their playerbase’s time. They just want the numbers


I find PvP mind numbingly boring. I fight against the exact same teams/users over and over and over. Its only the first week of this Season and I am struggling to even play this mode. I doubt I will earn enough VP throughout the entire season to complete the reward pass, and knowing that it gets reset with each season, just confirms that I probably won’t touch PvP again after the current season ends.

This cash grab attempt is one of the worst yet and its only going to continue to get worse with any new updates.

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I know this isn’t what people want to hear, but it’s not the responsibility of the developers or of any company one patronizes to have respect for your time. It’s your responsibility to have enough respect for your own resources – time, energy, money, et al – and to make informed decisions as to what activities are worth those investments and which are not.

The “job” of a company is to generate money for their stakeholders. The “job” of the consumer is to find the best possible deal for him/herself and pursue that. A healthy economy lies at the intersection of those two interests.

I won’t defend the developers actions in this area as healthy or “good” because it isn’t from the point of view of a consumer. But it is equally non-productive to scream in anger on a message board that the developers clearly do not monitor and may not view as anything more than a place for players to blow off steam before they go back to the grind that the developers were encouraging in the first place.

Change on the micro level is all you. Change on the larger, macro level requires a critical mass of players to take particular actions across a large enough scale to get the developers’ attention and oblige those changes to be made.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the developers to change. If you want that to happen, make the changes on your end first.