Delve was down today

Delve and the whole server was down today. My card behave weird, and l could not play in the Delve at all.

Are you talking about Emperinazar Faction Assault event? It worked okay for me.

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Everything worked fine on my end too. Is it working for you today? If not what exactly is happening? What platform do you play on?

today it is ok. l am struggling with the rescue pet. the last 2 levels are impossible to do at level 400… :frowning:

I gave it up.

Have you joined the GoW Alliance discord server? It’s easier to share teams there and have some back and forth dialogue. GoW Alliance We will help you out. :slight_smile:

I don’t remember what level I was when I was finally able to do all 8 levels of a pet rescue. I think at 400 it’s doable? But I legit don’t recall. Worst case, if you have a devour troop like Glutmaw, you can rely on RNG. If he fails to devour and you die, try again, and keep trying until the RNG gods favor you.