Deeds - Discussion and Critique

Hey guys, I’m here to volunteer myself as the sacrificial lamb!

I came here to address some of the concerns you have and to collect feedback but this discussion has a lot of posts all with different points, small tangents and nuances, to the point where I’m looking at this long thread wondering what needs to be addressed, and what is just interesting discussion points that doesn’t require an official response.

So in the interest of pinpointing what’s most important to you can you please help me by dot pointing:

What questions do you want an official answer to?
What are your main feedback points about the deeds so far that you would like me to share with the team?

One note I would like to make in general is that not everyone has the update yet, we plan to force the update next week. While the Adventure Board is random each day, we also didn’t want to put Deeds on it until everyone has the update, so we’ve made sure of that. Allowing some players to get extra Deeds others couldn’t get would be unfair to everyone.

I also know many of your concerns won’t be addressed by anything I say, and you are going to judge for yourselves how you feel about the Deeds in the Adventure Board and Flash Offers as you get a feel for how freely they are offered as part of each - so I’m not going to sit here debating whether you should trust us or not, I’ll let our actions speak for us on that.

As always, with any new feature, we will be monitoring how the changes go and making any adjustments as necessary.