Dear dev team. Please put the info INSIDE the game

Just scrolling through the forum, and I’m seeing the latest update is causing the usual slog of bugs and game-breaking, and once again none of this important information is given to players within the game.

We have players trying to upgrade weapons the wrong way, and possibly breaking the game, because the game doesn’t tell them these weapons have to be leveled differently.
[Reported] Immortal Weapon Can Be Upgraded Normally - Bug Reports - Gems of War | Forums
Able to Upgrade Immortal Weapons using Mythical Ingots or Orbs – Gems of War Support (

We have players trying to use teams and them vanishing for no reason, apparently by your design, but they have no way to tell if this is correct.
[Not a bug] Ossifer team is not saved - Bug Reports - Gems of War | Forums

We have players complaining that their troops aren’t working because they don’t know how to unlock their traits.
[Not a bug] Invulnerable Ossifer got frozen - Bug Reports - Gems of War | Forums

We have players unsure if specific VP should be counted or not, because the game doesn’t tell them.
[Investigating] Bonus VP from Goals not counted in PvP Season - Bug Reports - Gems of War | Forums

We have issues within the game that nobody knows about until it bugs out and affects them, unless it quietly gets fixed. If they lost something and missed this post, guess that’s too bad for them?
Known Issue: Alliance Change Grace Period - Official News - Gems of War | Forums

And several other issues.
Why won’t you just put the information IN THE GAME??
And that’s before we consider other useful stuff, like event scores.
This is just maddening.


Also can we please have somewhere a reference for all the fancy gems in the game? We are told once and never again.



Thank you!


Yeah, we were asking for this for ages, and they finally added it. Shows they can add useful info in-game when they want. So it would be great if they did more of that.
Also, ironic that they finally add much needed info in-game, but only tell us it’s there OUTSIDE of the game. So, once again, they need to provide more info inside the game, like where the hero gem guide is.


I do find myself sometimes not knowing what some special gems do. Ones you see infrequently I have to sit for a couple minutes trying to remember and sometimes Im wrong

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