[Reported] Ossifer team is not saved

Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam, PC, Windows 10

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I have Immortal Ossifer level 1. I wanna battle with him in Ancient Khet. However if I quit PVP, the team with Ossifer disappears - it becomes empty.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Happens always if I play PVP battle with Ossifer in Ancient Khet, after it ends restart GoW, go to Ancient Khet “Quick battle”, select opponent, and I see the team is empty. It has happened ~5 times today already.
If I remove Ossifer from my team, everything works fine.
Sometimes restarting the game is not necessary - if I wander around and return to Ancient Khet “Quick battle” I usually find my lineup empty. But restarting the game reproduces the problem 100%.

Steps to make it happen again
See above.
I tested with the team:
Wand of Stars
The Elder dragon


Same for me. Every time a take a small break from the game, the team is wiped.

There was a glitch when PvP first launched that allowed players to use stuff they shouldn’t have been able to. Not sure if devs spotted it or it was an accidental fix, but they soon got rid of the glitch in an update.
However, one of the things people mentioned was that if you came out of the PvP menu and went back in, the team got removed. Not just the thing that wasn’t supposed to be there, the whole team got wiped. I’m guessing there was some code that sensed if you have something on your team that shouldn’t be there, and it’s decided that the immortal doesn’t fit the region requirements and needs to go.
Which sucks, because using them when you shouldn’t be able to is one of the key qualities of immortals, so that code needs fixing to allow players to use them and not have the team get wiped.

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Well, I’m using Ossifer in Ancient Kethar. That is the home of that troop. Still happens

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Yes, which is why you can use it there, no matter what the restrictions are.
Just checking now, and Ancient Khet restrictions right now, on PS, are “Elemental”. So, Ossifer, as an undead troop, shouldn’t be usable, but it is, because that’s it’s home region. Not sure what the restriction is for you (you list your operating system as PC), but I assume that Ossifer doesn’t fit them, right?

So, the only reason you can equip it is because of it’s immortal property of being able to be used in the home kingdom, even when it doesn’t fit restrictions. So, after you exit PvP, the game checks if that troop fits the restrictions again, and it doesn’t. So, the game wipes the team.

Whatever the code is that wipes teams when they don’t fit restrictions, I’m assuming it’s there to ensure that you can’t keep teams through weekly reset and use the previous week’s team in the current week’s restrictions. So, the code is working correctly, mostly. They just need to make it ignore immortals.

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Hello :slight_smile:

Please note that this is not a bug and is currently working as intended.

if an immortal on your team erases your active team after a game reset, then why would anyone use an immortal? kinda defeats all purpose of the pvp seasons


This does not sound like not-a-bug to me.

The expectation is that – within the PvP week, at least – the attack team you used in a region should persist between sessions.

If that’s true only if the player’s team does not contain Immortal Ossifer: that’s a bug, surely?



No, your Quick Battle PVP Teams aren’t meant to be saved regardless of troop type (Immortal included or otherwise) if you close Gems of War completely and reopen the application as the original poster did.

I’m sorry but WHAT? They always always always ALWAYS… as in the opposite of never… save. The only time they release is when the new week starts and restrictions move from area to area.

I’m not trying to be snarky here at all. This is just literally how it has worked for every other area thus far. I’m really starting to think that all our jokes about nobody on the team playing the game, might be true? That’s fine. But…

THIS IS A BUG! Honest. I swear it is. Please believe me. :rofl:

I think there is a communication error here? Because if THIS is working as intended then the entire rest of pvp is bugged.


100% with Tresk here.

The Quick Battle teams have always persisted across game sessions; just as every other type of team has. It would be very player-hostile if they did not, if we had to re-create our PvP teams every time we started the game.

The only exception to this is that teams are lost when the region restrictions change. That’s annoying too, but that’s a separate quality-of-life issue.



Some visual aids…

I am only showing 3 areas here but you get the idea. Only one area is losing its team just because I restarted the game.


It’s not even restarting the game that does it. It seems to reset the team when it’s time to collect tribute. So every hour.


That’s odd. Because I thought that too. However, after exiting pvp and collecting tribute, my team was still fine. I had to restart the game to get it to do the bug. Yet earlier today, I could swear it emptied my team without me restarting. The plot thickens. :woman_shrugging:


Not to be a butt but the amount of times we get told bugs aren’t bugs when they are clearly bugs is insulting.

We play the game every day and we know how it works.

Stop treating us as if we’re the ones who have no clue.

Of course pvp teams are saved for the week. They only reset when the restrictions change. Not every hour or every time we close the app.


@Bramble No, this is a bug. Please acknowledge.


I’m sorry, what? Am I reading that correctly? Whenever I close the game and go do real-life stuff, I should be coming back to empty team slots in PvP if I dare to use an immortal troop? (or any troop, for that matter?) This surely can’t be true, and the OP’s report must be a bug.


Not a bug? Are you joking?!

This was posted by a member of my guild. They claim that after beginning this battle the game has crashed.

If it’s working as intended, then why only Ossifer wipes our teams out? And we don’t have to “close the game”, leaving quick battle menu even for collecting tributes erases the team.


Classic GOW dev team.

“Something is working correctly? That wasn’t intentional, we swear.”
“Something is helping the players? Must be a bug.”
“Something not working the way we said it does? Working as intended.”
“Something messing up the game for players? Not a bug, we’re sure.”

It really would be wonderful to film the team sitting down and PLAYING the game for an hour. Listening to them constantly mutter about how nothing seems to be doing what they want and how they can’t get the game to do what it’s supposed to, and that they keep losing because they can’t figure out how to do stuff right.


100% a bug and a very annoying one as well. Please change the title into reported and start investigating