Known Issue: Alliance Change Grace Period

Hi Adventurers,

For the 1st week of the 1st PvP Season there is a grace period where you can change Alliance without losing your Victory Points or Loyalty.

However, there is currently a bug, so that if you change Alliance you will lose Victory Points.

The team are working on releasing a fix for this currently (asap!), anyone who has already changed Alliance will have their lost VP restored.

Sorry about this and thanks for your patience.

You can follow the Help Center article about this issue here for updates when the issue is fixed and when VP has been restored to the affected players:


@Kafka you need to direly push to the top of your team that blocking chat until 220k VP and having it reset every 11 weeks is absurd.

Alliances can’t properly function, unless you want only 1-3 people talking in the chat (to themselves) for the first multiple weeks.

It should have been a 1 time permanent unlock.


This issue has been fixed.

  • If you changed Alliance AND lost Victory Points because of the change, please contact support.

  • If you have lost all your Victory Points - this is intended as VP resets at the start of every PVP Season and there is no need to contact support.

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I was never in any alliance and my points disappeared too.

I lost VP points after changing Alliance after game resetting, but there’s no point wasting time and contacting support for a few thousand points :grinning:

I understand it’s intended that you lose all of your VP at the start of every PVP Season, but players aren’t happy about it. 800,000 VP in 11 weeks is asking players to do a lot of work only for them to lose that progress over and over.

Every 11 weeks, VP resets and players have to get that VP back. I’m curious why the season is 11 weeks. No one benefits from this kind of engagement with your game. Most players will only get burnout from grinding to 800,000 VP every 11 weeks. We are being asked to do a lot in so little time. Why?

I’m not trying to criticize you or the development team. I’m trying to understand the thought process behind these decisions. Players already have an answer: monetization. Is this the official answer? If so, players will eventually close their wallets if they haven’t already. We all love Gems of War, but it’s difficult to support a game when you feel you’re being ignored all the time.

The collective player-base is unhappy with the state of the game. Things like our VP being reset every season just showed a lot of players where we stand. Rather than feeling respected, we only feel more ignored. Every player just wants to have fun when playing this game. We’re trying to give you (generic) our honest feedback to help the game continue to be successful, but we’re being ignored instead.

Are there any official plans to address players’ complaints in recent years and months? Is there any interest in restoring goodwill with the players that remain?

A place to start is a simple change: losing our VP every 11 months is too much for us so consider not resetting our VP at all. With the way things are now, I promise you. More and more players are losing interest in playing Gems of War.



For me, resetting VPs is a bad idea.
Having to redo everything every season is discouraging.
I had a hard time getting the 800,000 VPs. And you have to start all over again.
I’m a vip because I spend a little, but if there’s a reset every season, I’ll give up quickly. Other players too.
It’s a game. Having to play hard to lose points is not normal.