Campaign Begins: Seal of Kurandara

Hi all,I cannot pass this quest, I’m using a hero, Warden class (level > 10), and 3 Maugrim Woods troops, but no win (I did many challenges) is counted.
Any hint?

Can you show a SS for the team you’re using?
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And another one of the task?
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You said you did the matches in the challenge mode?

Definitely. Although I would have phrased it as “letting the devs know as early as possible that something they have shown us won’t work out well”.

As much as was communicated they removed it for this campaign only, it’s still on the table for future campaigns. There was development effort involved, you don’t just “decide against” that and throw it away.

They disrupt a competitive play mode. You do realize that the way GW scores are calculated those extra stats also raise your average score a tiny bit, right? Meaning that even if you win without buying the Elite+ Pass, your overall score for winning will be a tad lower.

Would you be okay with being able to pay cash for a single extra fight at the end of GW week that adds to your overall score? So without paying your score is the sum of 30 battles, with paying your score is the sum of 31 battles?

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Yet it happens every day with “rough drafts” or theories that get tested.

So why not raise an issue with pets, or Faction renown, or kingdom powers, or standard tasks, or epic tasks, or deeds, or medals, or enhanced troops or any other stat boosts that some players get and some players don’t.

Because they all “disrupt” a competitive game mode.

If a player cares enough about +3 magic for GW (assuming they can afford it) then they can pay $50 a year for it. Neither life not any sort of war is fair.
I’m not saying that’s the way it should be. Guild Wars should really have the exact same rules as the arena. Strip the stats and the traits and “have at you”.

I am honestly surprised that the devs haven’t just removed Guild Wars all together. It seems to hold back development… They can’t fix the bugs in it… All people do is bitch about it… But they must be in some sort of abusive relationship fear. That if they do get rid of guild wars, everyone will freak the Frank out. Despite folks using Guild Wars as the reason they can’t give me the stats necessary to make the Delves more fair. Brilliant.


Those can all be acquired by either playing the game or paying for them. The Guild Wars advantage granted by the Elite+ Pass can only be acquired by paying $25, not by any amount of playing.

Didn’t you just suggest that “criticizing the devs for what they could do” is “bitching on the forums”?


I see. So those stats people have past level 1900 weren’t paid for despite I believe most if not all having it due to Deathknight Armor.

I did. What’s your point? Me stating that I’m surprised and then stating facts isn’t speculation by any means. But nice try I guess. When you run out of actual information to support your argument… Trying to make someone else look bad instead seems to be your go to move. Sorry, better luck next time.
+3 magic is unfair because out of the literal thousands of matches you’ve done before…a few of them came down to 1 or 2 life.
Where as I’ve lost way more GW matches due to bugs or crashes because evidently IP+2 couldn’t afford competent coders back then because too much was free to play.

I would happily give every GW opponent 3 more magic than me if it meant the matches could be done without any fear of bugs.
Spend the money to remove all bonus stats from GW completely. It’s not fair to new players the way it’s set up and how it rewards time spent in the game.
Or is a major time advantage okay and minor money advantages aren’t okay?

Nevermind the fact that despite all this hub bub about pay to win. Next week…next GW… The Elite Plus pass gives 0 Tactical advantage. That may not be the case 5 weeks from now. But 3-4 days from now its a non issue. Weird how no one else seems to be mentioning that.

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Correct. What the people paid for was a progress boost, to receive more gold/souls/experience for their in-game activities. The classic F2P model, there’s a goal that can be reached by all players (e.g. level 2000). You can pay in play time, money or a mix of both, none of the options lock you out. Note that the armor itself doesn’t provide any exclusive P2W advantage for any battles, e.g. by adding +10 to all stats while you wear it.

Tomato, tomahto, potato, potahto.

Yeah, definitely weird, it’s almost like people agree that non issues aren’t worth mentioning at all. Don’t let that deter you from compiling a complete list of non issues though, I’m sure it’s going to be an interesting read.

Thats just a product of your imagination, nothing that is real or planned. Discussing it doesn’t bring anything into topic,
even if such feature is ever added onto any artifact in the future, it can be added in a way, that won’t affect f2p players in Guild Wars. Schedule of GW and Campaign weeks is known. It’s easy to put such extra effect onto artefact level, which will be obtainable 1 week before GW, or 2 weeks after GW.
Elite+ players wont get a chance to get it exclusively on GW week.

I don’t get the whole artifact thing. If I lose to someone in guild wars because of a few points difference in stats then chances are I was never going to win that match anyway and I gotta work on my team synergy.

What gets me is you’ll complain about artifacts but no one complains about them things in guild wars where you give gold, gems, souls, or glory to boost you guild’s stats. If anything that’s even worse because if you’re in guild that just doesn’t do that stuff then you’re SOL. With the artifacts at the very least you have that option to boost your stats if you feel the need to. And can’t you get the artifact without paying for it anyway?

And why are we complaining about stuff the devs haven’t done yet? As far as I know an artifact putting entanglement on an enemy was never confirmed.

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Because at the top every inch counts.

Almost no one cares about 3 magic outside of Bracket 1.

Guilds that win max out Sentinels already, so no stat disparity there (though I agree it’s bogus that means to have a level playing field 7 of the top 10 run a gem deficit). Same with statues — they’re all past 100, so max bonus points, right? And I’d be pretty surprised if not all top 10 guilds complete all Epic Tasks, even if only on Guild Wars weeks. Kingdom Power disparities exist for newer players that haven’t been at the top for a year or two, though, and these can be significant enough to make the magic gap a little more glaring.

And as was pointed out, the functionality of having affixes and such tied to Artifacts is confirmed, even if it’s not yet (or will ever be — but what a waste of development time and money, if never) implemented.


It’s not the size of your Staff of Madness that matters, but how you swing it. :wink:

The strenght of a hero/team being measured by the progress/experience is fair. What @Fourdottwoone said about Death Knight Armor is correct. It buys an advantage that can even be surpassed by intense gameplay.

If I have a bonus of 50% extra XP and play 10 battles a day and a free player plays 15 battles a days then we are both progressing at the same pace, but I’m doing less and earning more. In the long run if the level cap would be 1000 then both types of players would reach their maximum potential.

But the artifacts adds a bonus you can’t attain aside from investing money. And that’s a significative gatekeeping that, in my opinion, is completely against any spirit of fair competition.

Losing due bugs is something to blame the devs for. I COMPLETELY agree with you.
Losing because the devs twisted the fair play system is ALSO something to blame on them in MY opinion.


When you say >level 10, do you mean you’ve leveled it up with souls as in the screenshot below or just through playing the game with warden. To qualify as Maugrim Woods, it needs to be leveled to at least 10 here.

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Maybe. But you will potentially raise the score of the ones fighting you.
If you take the Elite+ Pass, your troops have more stats so if I fight them I will do more damage so possibly more points (one of the factor is ratio of damage done versus damage received).

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Hi, yes, I tried in challenge mode, three Maugrim Woods troops, one weapon, Warden class.[quote=“awryan, post:124, topic:64867, full:true”]

Can you show a SS for the team you’re using?
(Like this)

And another one of the task?
(Like this)

You said you did the matches in the challenge mode?

Probably best at this point to use a hero-less team, so you won’t be behind for next week.

Hopefully if there is a problem, like with Challenge battles not counting, the devs will fix it in the future…

The only other thing I can think of is what others have already said: be sure to spend souls on your Warden to make it register as a beast :man_shrugging:


your Jar of Eyes is not from maugrim woods…

The weapon doesn’t need to be, just the hero class. That also wasn’t his screenshot. The quote got messed up. That’s an example awryan posted above.

His screenshots are the last two.


Your hero doesn’t gain the kingdom/class bonuses until you have spent souls to get them to level 20. I suspect that was the problem here…

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There is nothing groundbreaking or exciting about 5.0. Reintroduction of stuff they previously removed cos they know we hate it (treasure maps). There is no imagination or care anymore, it’s all about the dollar. They clock off for the weekend and tie you to your platform with events. Unbelievable “fk u” attitude. And they expect cash. Haha…never in a million years


you need 10, not 20…