Brief database migration this afternoon

Like the subject line says, we’ll be migrating the Gems of War databases for the next few hours. We don’t expect this to cause any issues with gameplay, but if you see any crashes, that’s the cause.

While we don’t have an exact time for when the migration will be completed, we don’t expect it to take more than a couple hours. I’ll be back soon with more information.

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@Nex, is this specifically referring to the console databases, or does this apply to PC/mobile as well?

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Specifically consoles.

I don’t speak for the PC team, so if you see a post from me, it generally applies only to consoles. If the PC team were migrating databases (or doing any other sort of maintenance), you’d see a post from @sirrian.

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I figured as much, thought I’d double-check though! Thanks for the clarification.

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I wish i had 200K gold to bet there will still be people signing into the forums and whinging about “crashy crashy, and f*** reading the posts in here blah blah this game sux etcetera, etcetera” (except they abbreviate etcetera incorrectly because rage quit)

Dang it i am having server oh wait a second this is for xbox/ps4 version, do we know when the migration happens for pc/app version

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Phase 1 is already finished, but phase 2 won’t be for a couple months:


We’re done! Thanks for your patience. Go about your business.


So now that the migration is over for xbox/ps4 users, how is the servers running?