Birch Team - fighting for number 1 in ranking (with style) - last place for hardcore players

Then why bother having “minimum requirement”? Not that I am diagreeing with the have fun first thing. I don’t want to see titan go because he can’t reach “minimum” How about we change the wordage to “recommended contribution”

All nicely said and I certainly agree. Just with my style of play 100 trophies is a slow week for me. So it really don’t matter to me what kind of weekly goals we set. Hell, me and another former member had a competition for a week. I lost. I had 486 trophies for the week, and lost!!

Crikey. Have you completed all of the kingdom quests/challenges or do you just avoid them and the tasks and zone in on pvp? Have you a particular quick annihilation team? :wink:

I can’t speak for terror, but demo is right about why ibohr and I left

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If members can’t do 70/50 as it stands now perhaps some new blood might in order? I personally only gave the guild around 90k Gold this week, and I can’t even count how many 50 Gold Chest packs I bought per day at 15k per, trying to ascend the new commons and gather the Minor Traitstones So I’m sure others must have some walking around resources as well.

If people want to do over the recommended/minimum that’s great! But everyone should try and meet the criteria the guild has set most of the time. We have had may members for the past few weeks falling short…

IF we raise it in the future perhaps we could do 100/50 Player choice: 100Trophies, 50k Gold. OR 50 Trophies, 100k Gold.

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All kingdoms quest and challenges done except for the newest 2. Still bang out some tasks. And I have a team that works quickly for me most of the time.

Because people should contribute to something they’re benefiting from, and help the people that are helping them. Plus, some of us find being competitive (i.e., our guild’s ladder position) fun and motivating.

I know. I am one of those people. After all i am the one who sent the invite to you originally. Lol. Just trying to come up with a way to keep the peace. Having fun is first! But then if you are making “requirements” it could be looked at as work if you don’t play like we do.

Lets see…
Demolisz - 113 trophies (propably a few more) and 66k of gold
david - 200 trophies and 145k
October - c’mon - 500/156
Ponyboy - running like a pony - 106/51
Testr - walking testosteron - 165/86
Velarus - 100/185
Brookes - ??? - 58/40k - going down to major :slight_smile:
Strategizer - strategizing everything especially his score - 137/90
Mad Dwarf - madness attacks? - 32/25k - rank down, sorry…
Storm - 61/74 - but absent for 8 days. Demoted one rank. truly speaking i m worried of one of our “longtermed” members
seth - you can always count on Egyptian Gods - 91/76
bluh - sounds interesting - 101/55
griever - solid scorer (i know how it sounds) - 57/76
Circe - 140/24
Obi Juan - 1 Kenobi? - 118/52
Feegert - this dragon is from Tekken series? - 168/182
Darrenlicious - 39/33 - but he is propably on vacation. have to check…
pinoking - trying hard like Bruce Willis - 37/40 - i m sure the next week will be better
Doug - minimum requirements? mission accomplished - 70/66
Bat Wiiiitch - as above - 68/73
Selene - 46/49 - rank down but i hope it’s temporary…
Robert - fighting like Rob Roy - 84/52
GOSIK - what a finish in last two days - 77/70
Reveren Cob - lets make it +/- 5 - 47/71
Titan - 45/60 - rank down
Vaelenz - 84/44 - passed ninja exam in Hidden Leaf Village
Emryk - he always goes fifty fifty but here it is not enough to be major - rank down
Morpheus - he is winning even when he is sleeping - 88/72
pen14 - 0/0 - hmmm,it seems obvious
deadpool - 18/10 - i really like his red costume but…

my conclusions are
sentinels should score at least 150 gold and trophies per week (+/- 10)
majors - 120
captains 100
private - if you are demoted to private you ve got 3 days to improve

Holidays are coming like winter in winterfell so please write down here if this occasion appear. That kind of break doesnt influence your ratings of course :slight_smile:

any suggestions?

Everyone should use October’s troop lineup. (Including me!)

OMG Demo. It looks like you down my play. Lol . I think 37/40 is pretty damn good considering I just rejoined yesterday!!

I think you might be reading too much into his comments, I did not get that vibe. Good to have you back!

Heya, just checking back in. Any more word if some of the low scorers are going to be replaced soon? Or is that usually only after the week ends?

Lol. It was just a joke. Just messing around. You will see me do crap like that alot around here!!

Aight Aight. I’ll calm down :wink: I dunno I guess I just felt it was going in the wrong direction. Thanks for clarifying. :smiley:

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know here in case it was missed in chat, I’m out of state until Sunday, maybe late Saturday.

Looking forward to getting back to the game with you all.

Are October’s stats for real? I assumed they weren’t resetting weekly… outstanding

Jealous of everyone going on vacation. I just had time off work and didn’t get to go anywhere nice. Have fun everywhere

When do the stats reset, I think everyone who has fallen short of the weekly goal has 24 hours left?

@Robert, Here is a list for all time zones since the latest reset time changes. Compliments of @actreal

Guide to the new Weekly Changeover Time - Timezones
(Granted that still some people do not reset when others do, but it’s been that way since I started playing the game)

So if I (barely) make under the minimum requirement for the week, I’m going to be booted from the Guild within a month?!