Birch Team - fighting for number 1 in ranking (with style) - last place for hardcore players

Hi Demolisz,

It looks like you are perhaps full at this time, but would you put me on the short-list? I am available to join at any time. You can message me on Xbox. My gamertag is Xtowers. Again my invite code is KARLSNOR. Just let me know. If theres no room I will probably join a random group to contribute my trophies to some guild at least.

Thank you,


Hello again! I was in this guild around when it was like 20+ and until it reached level 2, then i had to leave due to work and personal reasons. Just came back to the game, and decided to see if I could join back again. During the time, I put in enough money/trophies to be up to par with others in the guild[Not everybody. . . 200+ trophies a week is crazy for me :P]. My invite code is ICARUS_MXDL and my gamertag is XxKidIcarusxX . Not currently in a guild, so if a spot is open, feel free to invite me :slight_smile:

I see what I can do :slight_smile:

Have we got a 100/50 requirement or 70/50?

Should we gradually increase gold requirement sometime?

In my opinion we are 26k away from the top spot. In order to move forward I think a 100/50 would be in order. Don’t take much time to get there. Still plenty of gaming time for your other games. IMHO

Of couse I am new to the guild so my opinion probably don’t count!! Right Demo?? :relaxed:

Players that contribute should have a voice. I’m not opposed to raising the requirements.

HOWEVER, we should first work on getting members to meet the existing requirements as they stand, rather than increase minimums.

Agree with strat
I know that democracy isnt an ideal system but no one invented anything better till now…
But for me 100/70 is max i can get per week.
Besides i dont want to make Birch a labor camp :slight_smile:

How much can You contribute to the guild Icarus?

It would be great if the game included improved data and communication for guilds. Being in a guild is so important to progress that it’s hard to understand why the messaging/chat in there is so poor. Proper tabulated data for each members weekly contributions is essential too… Maybe that’s something we could compile ourselves.

I would hazard a guess increasing the gold requirement would be easier than trophies. More trophies = more time, more gold = slower kingdom levels

i created fb group. you can join…

I was just about to write in that topic that I do not use Facebook, always avoided it. Don’t mind sharing gamer tag (though chat on xbox is poor too) or using other apps email, e.g. kik

I appreciate 95% of people probably do have Facebook though!

:slight_smile: Truly speaking i m using facebook only because i became leader of the Birch :slight_smile:

More trophies=more gold. I generally split my gold between guild and kingdoms.

Indeed, but if people are doing a 70/50 split then it is possible to increase gold without having to increase playtime. It just means less gold for kingdoms. But if the trophy requirement is increased then game time must be increased.

Just a comment on how gold may be easier to increase… I’ll go along with whatever the guild requirements are.

Also, once people have all kingdoms at level 10 it could be possible to contribute 100-150k per week. Mine are all 7 except for the new kingdom and 4 are level 10.

I should be able to get around the required amount or more per week. Joined a random guild for 2 days and i put in 50/30 before i decided to look for my old guild :slight_smile: 100/50 should be fine for me

I’ve contributed a ton to this guild. But I can’t meet that requirement so I guess give me the boot? Ps Guild chat said to come here for the facebook group address. I don’t see it anywhere.


Also wanted to note that we lost a lot of good people when the guild became more about winning than having fun and still being one of the top guilds.

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here Titan

come on Titan, dont worry. we re talking about possible changes. besides joey, ibohr, terror and all that i mentioned in funeral thread have left the guild because of low requirements rather than opposite :slight_smile:

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Anyway I want to state one thing for sure.
The first rule of the Birch Team is to have fun with great people :slight_smile: