Become a Positive Petras today

Yalls job is fixing to get a lot harder I fear after the GaP changes just posted …God speed :sweat_smile::innocent:


@junette team positive petras is on vacation starting today and 2 weeks forward. :joy: :rofl:


We are? oh joy! I don’t have any vacation plans, so I think I’ll hang around here anyhow :grin:


(lets pretend we are - cuz if not we will be so busy that we probably die of an heart attack.)


@junette you want to become a member of positive petras?


In case someone missed it. We all taking a 14 days break off the board. Its too much negativity and ALL OF US wins by just having a vacation. Enjoy your vaction!

Best Regards,
Petras Boss Eika


Ok boss, have a nice vacation! :upside_down_face:

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Thanks you too Goodwill.

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Funny thing, I actually am on vacation right now! Well, a staycation. I originally booked time off to visit family for the first time since the pandemic began, but their area recently spiked in covid cases. :sob: Decided to keep the time off anyway even if I am just home.

I haven’t read about the GAP changes yet… Eep. Off I go.


Sorry to hear you can’t go visit your family :neutral_face: But a vacation is always time off from work, so cherish it! As for the Palooza post, it takes time to get to the end​:joy:


@Snooj @terberos Look at it as a room for breath and space. I will re-think new strategies in these 14 days how we could possibly minimize all the negativity. I will hold you updated.

Saw the GAP changes. I understand the uproar.

Here’s my two cents on the positive petra idea: there should be no vacations. Aren’t times like this when there’s more negativity than usual, exactly when we should be positive?

That said, I am actually not against negativity. I am against name calling and being rude, but being upset at a change or lack of info is fine. I haven’t finished that GAP change thread yet, but so far it is civil and not a problem.

I, like many others, want to see specifics on when the throttling kicks in. I say, let people be upset that despite the pushing they still havent given that info. We know playing at 2 battles/min wont be throttled, but 6 battles/min will be. What about 3 battles/min? 4? 5? What if the first minute is 3 battles and the next minute is 1? Let people be negative will trying to get that info as long as they are civil. So far, they are, from what I have seen so far.


We need 2 weeks off. Group was made 2 weeks ago and I am worn out by all the negativity. Things have not worked as I do like to. It is still a handful of crying babies in most of the threads. So now we take a pause and come back stronger, re-thinking our strategies.

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Maybe after the vacay :grin:

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The funny thing is… you were one of them when you attack @peacefull. I can’t stop laughing at you in that thread. :rofl:


Take off your halo, man! Happy vacation!

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Awesome! You are welcome, we are quite a gang already. Growing like a giant from Stormheim wahaha! :bowing_man: :+1: :clap:

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The forum is your life? What about your vacation?