Beards of War

Cool new troops again :slight_smile:

@sirrian any update on the next patch timing?

Sorry for bringing up old wounds, but I felt the circumstance needed a callback.

Ta-da! No longer a “gender-specific” icon!

Oh, Sirrian, you always come through.

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So there is now the perfect maw killer. Could have added protection to devour but *6 versus a maw, that’s pretty much 1 shot Kik.

The transformer is worth trying in my team B: maw, kos, valk and giant spider. Using her in place of the spider I can power both maw and kos while removing effects.

Why are you devs delaying the update?!? :confused:

They’re not. Apple is.

Sirrian said Apple approved it already.

I just found her creepy. And in your examples:

  • Tolkien: okay. In fact, this is based on two or three lines… And I’m not of this kind that consider Tolkien’s works like the fantasy Bible. All his world is coming from celtic and nordic mythologies. Even dwarfs with no-beard females ;-).
  • D&D: that depends of the version.
  • Everquest: video game where you choose what you want. It’s up to the players. Don’t know the popularity of female dwarfs with beard in this game.
  • Disc World: it’s a satiric and humoristic world.

I can also give you examples where female dwarfs don’t have any beard.

Moreover, we are not all specialists of fantasy. In our society, females with beards are associated with “carnival freak show” (see Bearded lady - Wikipedia). Or transgender :slight_smile: .

I am okay with a joke or a reference in the text. But I think the picture is not great because of what it represents. It’s just my point of view ;-).


I’ll take it. Bought some treasure maps in the shop to celebrate.


Its nice to see a new dwarf, but i doubt that he will lead his race to a comeback. His ult is simple to specific.

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While I do agree that Ironbeard is situational in PVP, he shines in Explore on Warlord difficulty, because the enemy always has higher stats than you do.


Only from the front. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Depends on whether or not skull damage is always assumed to be a frontal attack. Could have gone with agile to represent the chance of hitting his beard and the attack being nullified.:game_die:

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Thumbs up for the Apothecary. Cool troop. Now need to make a dwarf team and/or a team with a transform brown gems loop.

Apothecary pairs well with Goblin Shaman, feedback loop. Maybe a salad dragon to catch surplus green/brown from transformation and ensnare on loops. Just need a decent front troop.

edit: Trying Carnex, Shaman, Apothecary, Famine. Famine’s mana drain keeps enemy at bay and fills quick with the gobo/apo loop. Carnex armored, impervious, and armor gain spell makes a decent tank.

So thought the same thing… Princess Liegha meets Gimlee in an Elven dress fit for all the female art in fantasy is too offensive folks… (SMH) beard strategically placed to cover cleavage had me LMAO!!!

Too bad her annimation doesn’t have a deep scrapped voice and her weidling a fat stogie for good measure! (rolls eyes)

Due to her ability, I had to pick up plenty of copies of that card… but man, she’s scary looking… I have 3 teenage daughters and must say, never have been offended by the scantaly clad women of Fantasy Sword & Board worlds, it’s one of the many staples appealing to the genre… kinda like ugly female dwarfs! LOL

Well played Gems of War artists, well played!

Just remember hairier women tend to have higher sex drives. So the dwarves have it figured out.

Ulgh… perhaps… but going with that line of thought…

so, if she’s being regularly ‘turned down’ with the ‘hair induced sex drive…’, doesn’t that just result in perma-PMS-from-Hell Gimlee the Dwarven Hairy Maiden?

I mean, just sayin, after being turned away so often with ramped up sex drive, wouldn’t ol’ girl pertty much be in a perma-bad mood?

LOL, what male still holding a man-card wants any of that action anyway?

Then, in effort to gain more affections, does she end up cutting all that beard off and dawning the most dwarven revealing outfit in the land, in hopes of turning the favor of the opposite sex into her favor? Fast forward to some amount of sexual satisfaction being gained… but still having to maintain that 12-o’clock shadow… does she quickly become the poster child of pent up sexual drive amongst the stunted wonders, creating the first dwarven females gone wild red light district - only to become Lustra the Apothecary Extrordinare, Pole Dancer General, Most Lascivious Dwarf of Krystaria?

Just sayin… it could happen.


:rolling_eyes: Can we please keep the mysogyny to a minimum around here? I’m (not) sorry that you find the idea of a woman with a beard disgusting, but that “frustrated female” fairy tale has nothing to do with reality - women are not sex-starved bimbos just hoping for some action every minute of every day. This is a fantasy setting, I realize that, but that also means that, like reality, where the stories take inspiration, some women are strong, capable, and do not need a man to complete themselves.

If you want to rant about the oh-so-many things you know about female sexuality, please continue in the Sexuality in GoW thread. (Sorry, mobile makes it hard to add a link.)


Fortress Gate has been summoned.

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Pretty sure @HKdirewolf already revealed he wants some of that