Beards of War

I have all 3 attack kingdoms level 10 but none at 5 stars, can you give an estimation of a percentage of players that this will be relevant?

Realistically - as long as we’re already looking at Mythic lvl20s - we should also check which troops would go over from ___ Brand with a +1.

Another thing worth noting is that one can simply put him in the lead against Famine. Wouldn’t matter what level he is then

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Seems balanced to me. Weaker troop with a stronger spell. I’ll probably try him out.

All “xxx Brand” troops with at least 16 Attack

That moves 5 troops into the “over 19” bucket:

  • Skeleros
  • Chimera
  • Cyclops
  • Frost Giant
  • Winter Wolf

And 5 troops into the “over 17” bucket:

  • Hobgoblin
  • Northrender
  • Sylvasi
  • Gnoll
  • Revenant

So it’s a wash. I’d still leave the troop at 19 for now.

With his beard, i mean… spell, he performs better than any Triple Damage from the Gnolls at Wild Plains.
He is relevant to face troops like Manticore, Treant, some other troops with kingdom bonuses that have some attack gain one way or another and troops with Leader traits. 10/10 will have him maxed asap. :slight_smile:

Gonna make a team with Keghammer, but i need the traitstones…

Allied Blessed and Cursed mechanics could play havoc with his usefulness.

Also, does this make him useful against every troop when Entangled?


I couldn’t guess at percentages. My advice really only applies to end-gamers who are min-maxing, and have everything already leveled.

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Famine can easily cripple magic to the point of uselessness before even hitting attack once. It has happened to me on more than one occasion, in fact. Versus Sylvanimora, on the other hand…

Though really, keeping him slightly lower is just optimal. Out of things that just do straight damage targeted with their mana, his spell is pretty average otherwise (compared to “meta” stuff, downright bad), but his stats and stoneskin combined with Maw-ticore slayer trait (in addition to being lower attack to maw after one hunger proc, and lower than manticore after one spell cast) looks like he is pretty decent at counterplay.

Edit: Also lower than “leader” Khorvash, another “meta” troop that also happens to be tagged as a monster.


[useless information] With these new troops Khaziel will have seven dwarves. :wink: [/useless information]


Skull damage from Orc troops at least…

Does that make Khaziel’s troops Emperina and the Seven Dwarves?


Close enough, you won this:

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Now I have the mental image of Gorgotha saying “Mirror, mirror…” :smirk:


“Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who’s the sturdiest of them all?” :stuck_out_tongue:


I am the only one that think that a woman with a beard is weird? I understand the joke, haha, but it isn’t a little bit too much?
It’s not because of Lord of Rings made this joke that dwarf females have to have a beard…

In Terry Prachett’s Disc World novels, all dwarves have beards, even females. I suspect this might be a reference?


It’s common across most fantasy mythos: Tolkien, D&D, Everquest, Disc World, Death Gate Cycle, etc…

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updated “not in chest” thread with these two.

As of this week, we’ve made a change to the way EVENT troops appear in chests after their release.

Now, each event troop should begin to drop from chests 4 weeks after its initial release (so it won’t be a simple case of the chests updating at the start of every month with the previous month’s troops)

Mythic Troops & troops released with new kingdoms will be unaffected by this.

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Well isn’t that cool. The exact opposite of what I wanted to happen :stuck_out_tongue: