Badger, Badger, Badger

In addition to the standard in game troop refund, we’re discussing sending some shiny keys for real money purchases involving the 4 shiny Pathfinder Troops:

  • Huntmaster Arborius
  • Sir Ailuin
  • Hippolyta
  • Egris

I’m just waiting for final confirmation/details at the moment about what exactly that will be and how it will be handled.


Genuinely, I wouldn’t care that they nerfed the troop if they had also done one of two things with the journey event. Either, significantly drop the number of points (miles) that need to be traveled by the guild to complete all stages or removed the mechanic that deducts points if you go beyond 10 turns.


What about the Hermit? Is it available in Vault chests?


The changes are out now ready for weekly resest.

The Troop refunds won’t be live immediately from weekly reset but they will be out shortly.
We want to make sure weekly reset has gone out smoothly before pushing the refunds live.


Thank you for saving me a lot of time and money on the game, I can now spend that money elsewhere :smile:


No, not this week, it will be mentioned in the blog when it’s added to the Vault.


Can we all agree that the Journey Event is a lost cause now that Journey troops have been nerfed to the ground?


Thanks for the answer! I’ll wait for information.

I wouldn’t even play the event if it wasn’t needed to help the guild, but yes I agree it’s a lost cause.


Trash changes.

Seriously making the worst event, even more miserable.

Nuking some of the most fun troops introduced.
All because trash players can’t counter the most basic set of troops that ever existed. For a mode that has no downside to losing.

Worst balancing I’ve ever experienced. Its clear nobody on development plays the game and just listens to the vocal minority in tickets and here on the forums.
There’s literally no upside to this, 2 levels off of a boss troop? wtf?


What about those of us that bought the HS for Journey, I feel ripped off and I have played this game since it came out… I want a refund, since you’re nerfing the troops and now it’s worthless… @Kafka


How does this help me with the HS I bought for the next week’s Journey, such a scam… you wait until people have had a chance to buy it to nerf the troops… BRAVO… :clap:


The Troop info for Adelwing was published today like it always is, we never publish troop info when the Headstart offer begins.

I will suggest we make the Troop info available in game when the Headstart offer goes live in future, but this is how it always worked.

But also we are looking at sending out shiny keys as well, so you do get extra for the purchase.


Do you understand how incredibly suspect and shady that sounds? Knowing full well the troop would be nerfed… there should have been more info provided with the HS.


Is there any chance the devs could change the troops back? I was relying on those to help with delves and in PvP. I doubt I’m the only one. I got frustrated when I was one turned by an enemy team in guild wars that was using them, but I would have never chosen to make them completely useless. I spent a lot of time actively playing PvP with those troops these last few weeks. They’re efficient and the gold was great. It feels like a waste of time now. Autoplaying in PvE is what I did before PvP was changed. Honestly wondering if I’m going to continue playing this game at all. I’ve gone back and forth a lot about deleting this game throughout the years. The achievements have been both fun and frustrating to get. I have honestly spent way too much time and waaay too much money on this game. For the most part, it felt like it was worth it. This is feeling like the time to call it and delete the game


If you’ve paid real money for something and it now doesn’t match, you should be entitled to a refund. I understand that games are always getting updates and changes, but this is something specific and it was bought with the intention of being able to be used as initially described.


Sorry. But Shiny keys wont solve the problem of people who bought these offers as the pulls will be random

The solution would be send them tokens for these specific troops, maybe.


tbh there is actually no suitable in game compensation simply because of the niche that these troops filled. No matter what in-game option is eventually settled on, people bought these specific headstarts because the specific troops were overpowered. Whatever compensation IS delivered really does need to be more than what the devs might consider “fair” simply because specific performance is no longer possible.