The Hound Whisperer

Originally published at: The Hound Whisperer – Gems of War

New Guide Troop: Blight Hound The Blight Hound will be available in the Journey Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. Please note the Pathfinder trait is a unique Trait, this means the Trait cannot be stacked with itself, and only one Troop with the Pathfinder trait…

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yet another journey event with no additional changes… the event is far from fixed


Interesting that the Weekly Event troop can summon the Pathfinder troop outright.

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My impression is that after the previous minor adjustments that didn’t address issues in any reasonable way, Journey is now officially considered the Best Thing Ever. Meaning any further feedback will not be forwarded, not be commented on and in general be treated as toxic contribution possibly breaching forum rules.


Blighted Lands uses purple deed books, but the journey event rewards red deed books. Does this happen often or is just a greedy curve ball from devs? Purple books is what most people are looking for and probably buying through rng after all.

The book colour matches the colour generated by the pathfinder troop. That’s how it usually is.


Cheers! Dissapointing to say the least

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The same was in last journey event!!

Can confirm Justice is indeed now in the vault drop table.