Assault Boards (it's like getting coal from Santa...80% of the time)

It’s in the nature of people to complain. To me this is just a game, and I do the best I can with what I have. I am almost 1 year into the game, so I will need quite a bit of time to catch up, especially with mythic troops.

I’m not going to complain because someone else got more gems, keys or deeds than me. As long as the game is fun I will keep playing it.


It’s fascinating how players are turning on other players (ppl are crying saying that some ppl cried for this change = hypocrisy)
Let’s get back to the matter. Be honest with yourselves peeps what’s the issue with everyone getting same tasks? You should be blaming the devs that told you that they be hand picking these tasks. Peeps got habit of kiss devs butts that they feel intimidated to say anything so they turn against each other instead. :+1:

The issue is some people always complain no matter what. 5% of players ruin it for everyone else. This isn’t fair,that isn’t fair. The reason I liked everyone getting something different is because it was a mystery. Now I don’t even have to go to my game. All I have to do is go to discord and find out what everyone got. Remove the fun part so a few don’t yell and scream something is unfair. Like most things in this game the Devs had it right the first time. This is not a complaint but a fact.

Actually I think it goes like:

  • People were complaining because the random nature of ABs made “haves” and “have-nots”.
  • People complained louder because deeds threatened to make that worse.
  • But then people stopped complaining for a bit because we were told the randomness wouldn’t persist.
  • Then complaining resumed because nobody was getting deeds.
  • Then complaining stopped because we found out actually deeds aren’t supposed to appear yet.
  • Then complaining resumed because some people like to say “people always complain”.
  • Then more complaining happened because “people who complain ruin everything”.
  • The only people still complaining are complaining about people complaining about things that were true two weeks ago, but no one’s complaining about anymore because they aren’t true anymore.

Like, for real, what the heck important non-complaints were you expecting to find in a thread titled “A Depression Inducing Board”? It’s practically titled “The Complainer’s Fan Club” and you’re astonished that it’s not filled with positivity. That says things.


Still the worst part of the gems of war daily experience. Since 4.5… At least 80% of the ab have been minor/major TS related.

It really shows that the adventure boards were masked as a change to benefit players while in all actuality they were nothing more than a free gems nerf.
Even the inclusion of deeds are just another gold sink to give you the false sense of actually being beneficial towards another gold sink (Faction hoards, more on that later in a seperate thread.)
This game is going in the wrong direction and probably has been for a while now.


If by 80% you mean 35%, then sure. Come on man! You intentionally make a completely false & exaggerated claim about how bad AB is.

I’ve tracked my AB rewards since it was implemented and ignoring every other reward but gems, I’ve averaged 265 gems/week (I still have 3 days left in my current “week” so that’s a minimum of another 60 gems which will bring the average to around 270). I even missed 2-3 days of collecting the 20 gems because of either a 100 gem top task taking an extra day or being away from the game for the day. So my average had I completed everything would actually be around 275 over 11 weeks. This is WELL within people’s estimates of 250-280 gems/week from combined weekly events/daily tasks prior to AB. So quit raising people’s hackles over how bad AB is when its not. Bring forth your data that proves this:

Negativity bias at its finest.

Edit: I edited out part of my initial statement because I noticed you posted in this thread an hour before mithran’s post in the other so you couldn’t have read that first. While I apologize for assuming the reversed time table, the rest still stands because you could have come back here to correct your wildly inaccurate & unfounded 80% claim.


I have a more complicated theory but it’s not comforting.

Most of the AB rewards are fine for newbies. You’re griping and I’m griping because we ran out of uses for the traitstones we’re swimming in a long time ago. But if I started a new account today I’d take all the traitstones I could get. From that angle, AB is a nice grab bag of things that are relatively tedious to farm otherwise. This shifts after you can do a fast Explore team… oh no.

We know Explore’s getting reworked, right? It’s probably not going to be a fast-farming traitstone extravaganza anymore. AB’s ready for that future and is a sign of the player progress throttle. There’ll still be random traitstones from PvP. For now.

But it seems like from all angles the devs want to slow down early player progress. I don’t know if I get that. It took something like a year for me to feel “done” with traitstones, and in the year since then at least 100 more troops have released.

Lmao… @Mithran did his post after mine. My apologies for not going back to edit my 80% claim with zero data behind it. It feels like 80%… I’m shocked that it’s only 35% but I trust that he actually did the math where I obviously didn’t.

Or… Bring forth your data that disproves it. :man_shrugging:
Considering there’s an immense amount of data your missing from your “tracking”.
I’m doing a weird way of tracking as in, do I have more gems now than I do before. And that’s a huge no.
This is how the devs get away with this shit. Just absolute blind faith. But cool man, I’m happy that you think adventure boards was an improvement from daily tasks.

Positivity bias at it’s finest. :man_shrugging:

Yeah… My bad…I should of been way more worried about stats being stated without any proof of them. Stopped everything I was doing and went back to the forums to reassess any of my posts ever made. Or…I could not be ridiculous and just not worry about it. I like the latter more.

To all those who feel like my 80% was unfounded (since I didn’t officially track it).

Reminder… For the who had all their troops/classes fully traited and leveled. They NEVER received souls as rewards (except for the Khetar crap) and I can’t remember ever getting minor or major TS as rewards.
@Mithran I’d he interested to know the percentage of gem (the universal beneficial resource) Adventure Boards… Maybe I should go back and edit my post and say 80% crap. Because my GUESS is 20% of the adventure boards have gave gems as Rewards regardless of the actual amount.

Here ya go. Data for the last 11 weeks. I don’t track traitstones/souls and some other resources because it’s a waste of time. Resources other than gems, how many of each task we get, what rarety they are and what they give are irrelevant - all I care about is that the gems we get each week is equal to or real close to the gems we used to get each week prior to AB, which it is (unless you’re extremely unlucky and haven’t gotten any 100 gem top AB tasks ever). I don’t track individual tasks but rather aggregate them all into a single line of totals for each resource each day, then sum each column and divide it by the number of weeks. Hence why I stated earlier the average gems will be more than 265 because the next 3 days are still needed to complete the full 11 weeks of data, but the total is divided by a full 11 weeks.

Basically none of the data prior 4.5 matters… At all… Since we now have universal good or bad luck for the most part with adventure boards. You have your weeks starting on Thursdays for some reason so I’ll have to wait until later before I can overcome such a weird deviation. Then I’ll be happy to give it a closer look.
In the mean time, did your math also consider that the weekly event rewards (that I always got minus TM weeks) also gave gems as Rewards. I believe it was at least 100 gems just from that.

Of course it does - we were promised that AB would average out to an equivalent in gems or “gem value” that daily tasks & weekly events combined provided prior to AB. So to prove this, ALL data from AB is required. Granted prior to 4.5 the data was random per player (and top tasks are still random per player post 4.5) so certainly there may be people (un)luckier than others pre 4.5.

At some point when I’ve collected a significant number more post 4.5 data, I’ll drop the pre 4.5 data to see if the average weekly gem (value) holds and that it’s not just me being luckier than others - which still won’t be fully proven due to random top tasks.

My weeks start on Thu because that’s when AB started (and if not my data started with the 1st data I saved for mithran’s analysis).

If you’re referring to my usage of 250-280 gems/week as the number prior to AB, yes. To my knowledge that range appears to be the best estimates anyone has provided across a number of threads and it was for the combined daily tasks + weekly events gems. Not every weekly event gave 100 gems. If I recall they ranged between 70 - 150 depending on the event (the 750 PvP kill weeks were the 150 and was the week that many people, myself included some times, couldn’t finish the last tier which I think was worth 120 gems).

Oh my God dude. I was commenting about your chart. The data you provided prior to 4.5 does not matter.
Are you mistaking me for a witch? Did I recently pee in your cerial? I’m not sure what your deal is. But considering my issue with the AB. I feel like your desire to scrutinize anything I say as if I’m testifying under oath is a bit of an over reach on your part.

That may be true. But we didn’t all start getting the same AB tasks until the Monday after the update was pushed out. That’s when the devs forced the update.
So whenever that date was… Is the date… That the gems earned from adventure board can most accurately be tracked.

Deed tasks weren’t enabled before the forced update on the following Monday, but the ‘same AB for everyone’ mechanism was in place from the first day one updated to 4.5.

Perhaps people would be less likely to disagree with you if you bothered double-checking these kinds of claims before spreading misinformation? :man_shrugging:

Yeah about that…

The reason I said until Monday. Those still on 4.4 were still getting random individual adventure boards. So therefore we can’t consider the first week to be a part of the sample size since it didn’t affect everyone.

Next player to attack my opinion please since it’s easier to do that than criticize the devs in anyway. :grinning:

I have no idea what you’re going on about here. Of course you were commenting about my chart. I wasn’t attacking you there, I was explaining that EVERY piece of data collected since AB started DOES matter to prove the devs’ claims that the AB rewards were equivalent to pre-AB rewards. I can’t just willy-nilly decide i’m going to include some data and not others. That’s not how it works. But that’s why people continually shoot holes in your emotionally-charged, exaggerated, gut-feeling claims that have no data to back them (such as your 80% traitstones AB claim that started this off in the first place). Even worse the data sits right in front of you and you STILL cling to your gut because that can’t possibly be wrong.

The date we all started getting the same AB is mostly irrelevant. I know it isn’t for you because you’re convinced (without proof) that AB has screwed you since its inception. To (dis)prove the devs claims ALL the data is necessary to calculate that average. Ideally to fully (dis)prove it, a sample of players would have had to track from the beginning to show that all players averaged out to similar rewards. The only way the date plays into this is, starting there, we no longer need a sampling of players to track data since we’re all the same except for top AB tasks at that point.

While my data can certainly be used to show any number of other things, it has ONE purpose for me - to show whether the claim that AB is equivalent in gems to weekly events + daily tasks is accurate. While I’m tracking multiple resources, gems is the 1 i’m focused on. Thus far after 11 weeks of AB, the claim appears to hold for gem equivalency. Each individual can look at the other resources and determine for themselves if those add up to the number of keys lost from pre-AB in their mind.

At this point I’m satisfied the devs came through on their promise of gem equivalency, but I’ll be checking down the road when I have more post 4.5 data to rule out that the pre 4.5 data included in my set was overly lucky compared to other players.

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Title change

I wish an organization existed where we could report what was once a great game, that is steadily going to shit and ask for help. Like a “Bar Rescue” for Games.


I noticed yesterday a player playing for 40 days lamenting the crap AB tasks. I mean wtf is that ^^, it’s embarrassing we have runes in AB for anyone.

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When I first complained about the crappiness of daily tasks before 4.5, nobody cared, because they were getting “slightly” or tremendously better tasks. Now I don’t care about the crappiness of AB, as long as everybody gets the same crap as me…

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