Adventure Boards (Average Weekly) Reward Calculation

So currently at the 26 day mark, 27 traitstone tasks total, 27/78. So we are currently sitting at a 34.6% traitstone rate after 26 days. For comparison, for the 11 day data, there were 12 traitstone tasks, or 12/36… a rate of 36%. We are sort of trending away… but if we had today’s boards yesterday, we’d have been sitting at exactly 36% yesterday (3/75). Over a third of our boards were traitstones after a week and a half, significantly higher than recorded rate pre 4.5, and they haven’t significantly trended away from this in almost a month.

As for gems, we have currently earned 435 from bottom tasks, which is slightly higher than the recorded amount of ~412-416 for the bottom tasks (~15.29-15.31 daily). However, most of these gems comes from the anomalously high legendary gem board rate (we’ve seen zero chaos shard or key legendary), appearing 3/78 times, or 3.85% of the overall boards (recorded at 1.616% before the update) and 3/5 of the legendary boards (60% of rarity, recorded at < 30% before the update). We’ve also seen a total 5 legendary boards in 26 days, or 5/78, or 6.41% rarity ratio (recorded at 5.407%). However, this is more likely to be a statistical anomaly and go down due to the fact that chaos shards and keys should still be possible, so they have to take up some portion of the table, but we haven’t seen them yet (and also due to the fact that it was alleged legendary board gem ratio had not been altered, I’m pretty sure they’d have stated if there was a buff). Whereas with traitstones… we are getting absolutely flooded on the low rarity and have seen a ton of low rarity, so it is getting harder and harder to pass this off as a statistical outlier after nearly a month with no clear sign of trending toward the values recorded.

I should note that my “gut feeling” (and I’m probably not alone) was that we might actually be “behind” on gems at this point. If the traitstone and legendary gems boards rates have both been intentionally changed and are going to be coming in at this ratio now(and we just haven’t seen key/shards yet but they will boost legendary board rate even higher without taking away gems)… the old way was probably still better. Negativity bias is a thing, we barely remember our “huge” windfalls of 100 gems, but we certainly remember the time we got offered a 3x traitstone board on the same day.

If anybody is wondering about deeds… @AMT was tracking that over here to see how far ahead/behind we are of projections:

(but note that we are probably “ahead” on recorded deeds rate compared to actual, considering 40% of legendary boards and 60% of epic boards that appeared so far have contained deeds, with some of their respective task types not appearing at all yet since the patch)

Still not sure if “bad luck and we are just far in the weeds now”, “intentional because rework and this is the way it is now and we are actually on track”, or “unintentional bug”.