Ascension orb not working on bounty troop [False alarm]

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I was in the bounty game, and had purchased tier 1?2 to get the new bounty captain. When setting up my team I had leveled up and traited the new troop, Fireborn Lynx. I then spent two small ascension orbs to get it to mythic, to maximise bonus. The ascension orbs did nothing! I then backed out and in the upgrade menu and spent a large ascension orb, which worked.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
It has happened at least once before for me, only this time I decided to report it, since I wasn’t sure what happened the last time(s). It’s happened only in Bounty game, and, as far as I remember, only with the new bounty captain.

Steps to make it happen again
I can’t repeat it until next bounty event, since my bounty captain is now upgraded.


T2 will get you 1 copy and you would need 4 ascension orbs to mythic. 2 would only get you to epic level.


I do regret I didn’t check closer whether the two I spent had any effect at all now. I just assumed it didn’t work, since I didn’t notice the troop changing color. But I must admit it might have had some effect, now that you mention it, the troop would need four small.

I guess the post can be marked as fixed, or I could delete it.


I used a orb today it worked O.K. On the bounty troop. But I think they may have changed the amount of bounty troops they give in the event shop though. I feel like i had to buy a extra tier to get the troop to legendary before using a orb…

Operative word being “feel”.

I bought exactly the same tier as numerous times before and used exactly the same amount of blue orbs as numerous times before and ended up with exactly the same troop result as numerous times before.

EDIT. And I may nitpick so much at certain aspects that I can account for every gem I have spent since April 2021 (gem income, though, is only kept as tributes/other sources without more precise distinction).

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