Hey guys I would like to know what is the point to play warlord 1,2,3 or 4 in arena ? It takes way longer then normal or hard & the scaling of the reward is simply not worth the TIME IMO.
The stats are OP and there is nothing I can do to boost my stats on my hero, basically do I play 3-4-5-6 times longer then normal/hard just to get 100% more souls ? It doesn’t make any sense time wise to play those difficulties.
I’m thinking maybe set a Max cap for armor/life/attack on your hero for arena depending on your hero level…
Like give 75% of your current hero stats, if your hero is simply OP then it just receives the max cap stat so its not to OP that way but you could have a chance winning warlord difficulty.
Might need to pimp as well the common, rare & ultra - rare that we picked depending on the difficulty chosen.