Alchemist being stingy -.-

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened?
i expected my alchemist to go from 7 to 10 mana, he went to 9…
2 turns later i managed to fill him, after an enemy dust devil cast, he was back to 9 mana. (I checked clicking on him to see if it was a graphical glitch) it wasnt.

What are the steps to make it happen again?
No idea, it was a guild wars battle fighting crimson bat, dustdevil,spirit fox, death

Do you have any screenshots or video you want to share with us so we can see the problem? Attach them to your post!

nothing a screenshot can prove really. I still won the battle with 0 casualties though, so no not being salty bros.

What mana gems did you harvest? Red or brown? What was your banner? Did you have any Elemental Link in play?

Well, although I’m pretty sure the first thing wasn’t a bug and just something you didn’t expect, this could be one, as Dust Devil’s spell has a long history of buggy situation.
But just in case… Are you sure the ennemy never used his spirit fox spell? Or you never just used the Alchemist spell?

turns out i had copied my old team into a different slot gradually without realizing. I had the dragon rather the lion banner set and it cost me my perfect record in guild wars so far. I won all the other 4 today though, with that very, very stupid self imposed handicap, ah well.