Add "1488" to the username badwords

We take references to white supremicism, nazis and Hitler very seriously.
This is usually taken incredibly seriously by game studios in general.

Prior to working for IP2 I worked for a German game publisher and so I learnt a few things.
One of those things is that not only is neo-nazism and white supremecy disgusting (which we all already know obviously), but certain symbols, words and numbers and the way they are used can be literally ILLEGAL.

As a game that welcomes players from all backgrounds and as a company that does not tolerate racism we will not mess around with names that are clearly referring to nazis.

We are not apologetic to neo-nazis or any kind of racist, and we will not give them the benefit of the doubt. We have a hard stance on it. We are not apologetic about this stance.

We also offer our game to German speaking players who may be residing in Germany where, as I mentioned, some references are literally illegal in some contexts, so this is especially important.