Originally published at: https://gemsofwar.com/a-new-mythic-approaches-mother-of-darkness/
New Mythic Troop: Mother of Darkness Mother of Darkness will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.
200 Glory keys. RIP stash.
4200 Glory Keys. This might be the least amount I had to spend on a newly release Mythic. I kind of hoped I wouldn’t get it so soon, so I could pull more copies of troops I need for Kingdom Power. I can’t complain though.
I regret staying up to open keys after reset. It’s so slooow. I’ll think about how to use MoD tomorrow.
Yep, I know that feeling. (I got lots of copies of troops I needed for kingdom power this month!
200 Gem keys.
100 Guild (Gem) Keys, pretty low for me. I missed the last one … have to see if I try for extra copies of this one, could get buffed or I just want that purple stats trait. OR I forgot which troop this was.
I am fond of the artwork for this troop. Next week’s new troop(s), too. Originating from the same artist(s), perhaps.
Maybe, they could reimagine a few troops like Arctic Fox and Frost Archer.
Not in the budget, I know.
Oh, and @mitamata, that is some crazy RNG.
2200 Glory Keys
950 Guild keys (that’s 19k seals), 400+ Gem Keys… and no Mother of Darkness. Woe is me.
4000 seals, 120000+ glory, 1400 gem keys … and nothing. Never before had I so many resources, never before did I not get the new mythic on release week.
Log on, open 200 glory keys and there’s the new mythic, probably my cheapest pull ever
My cheapest pull ever was using the 10 guild keys they refunded players a month back and getting the new mythic with them!
We need a Portrait from the new Mythic pls Devs.
She is beautiful and i like the Artwork.
Great artwork
I feel like she sucks though. Meh