8.1 Update: Quests, Maps & More

Why is this a priority when the game is unplayable on Xbox. People should be working around the clock to fix the crashes. 2 battles crash, 3 battles crash. I did not attempt a g-a-p. Crash Crash Crash. I was lucky to complete 25 levels in TOD without throwing a controller from all the crashes.

Nothing changed with the week rollover. I crashed 3 times doing the adventure. I gave up for anything else.

Have you read the bug report confirmation thread?

  • This requires a clientside fix (e.g. 8.1.5 or whatever).
  • Did you press any inputs (controller buttons, touchscreen/mouse) during the post-battle sync with the server, before the Victory/Rewards Screen appeared?

The fact that a full-on app crash (across all platforms) slipped through QA at all is maddening, yes. But the bright side is that the devs identified a reliable trigger with an easy workaround.

I, for example, haven’t experienced this particular crash AT ALL over a full week of playing (including running one GAP), but I am not in a habit of attempting to skip the post-battle Victory declaration that drops down (which, it has been observed, DID see a slight change between 8.0 and 8.1).


Push it now last week.

My game crashes, crashes crashes. FIX IT. Stop being CHEAP. Your game is broken.

Also beta test on consoles!! Or have QA test on consoles. How did they miss this. Get a new QA team if they tested it on consoles and did not get a crash. Easy to reproduce. Compensation should be 200 Vks, 20 epic Vks, plus all the missed rewards for g-a-p.

I agree, the fact this made it through both the developer and platform screening and ultimately into release is VERY embarrassing.

But are you at least attempting to use the stated workaround in the meantime? Sure, you can keep crashing the game if you really want to, but that risks becoming a “you” problem…


I have 5 years of button mashing in this game. It’s hard to not do it when the game is brain dead. Them not fixing it via a special push out is no defensible. Especially when there was a vault event. If it was something that gave you a vault advantage, it would have been an instant patch. Normal players like myself did not see an in game message to prevent crashing. How hard is that?


they had set the dragonite crafting price too low

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The stated workaround does indeed work and so many of us used that. However, as i added to the commentary, it hasnt been limited to end game crashes. My partner lost a guardian fight when it crashed mid way thru the AIs turn and i had the same thing happen in a pvp fight, so its not just limited to end game rewards screen.

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It’s not solely on this developer to “push it now”. If the scope of the necessary fix is as large as they claim it is, said fix has to go through a process on the console platforms before it is permitted to release. That’s not a “give it to me NOW!!!1!1!one11!” process.

I agree with the sentiments expressed that this shouldn’t have happened. That it should have tested better and been caught prior to release. That being said, I’ve spoken to enough game developers for console and one (potential) issue here is that game developers often have access to consoles with different (and better) specifications for the purposes of programming and testing. There are times that those different consoles can do things the ordinary consoles that you and I play on don’t. And do so in ways that certain things that would cause a fatal error on an ordinary console won’t happen on their devices.

As for your concept of “compensation”?

First of all, how would you even measure “all the missed rewards for GaP”? If you were taking this claim to a court of law, there would be a requirement for you to prove losses before you could be reimbursed for them.

Second? If you ask for the moon, the sun, the stars, some passing comets, and the UFOs flitting about? You’re going to get nothing (or next-to-nothing) and like it. Because your demands can become so obscenely high that the Powers That Be would conclude that it’s “cheaper” for you to walk away than it would be to buy off your happiness. And that of everybody else.


Okay. As long as you’re trying; that’s the important part.

No, this claim is the one not defensible. Most platform holders run a “closed platform” and personally screen ALL clientside software (and updates) before it’s allowed to go live. Unlike serverside content updates (including some fixes) the developer is NOT allowed to simply “push it out”.

Embarrassing as it is that it even happened, the devs successfully isolated the bug within 24 hours of its first reports, and fixing it is their number one priority before anything else. But the 8.1.5 hotfix must still sit through the platform’s screening process just the same as the 8.1.0 update itself did. The same as every prior update did too.

Sounds like there are multiple distinct (but overlapping) bugs present then? Can’t expect a workaround for one to automatically workaround the other…

I am a programmer. You take your released code Brach and put in the fix, recompile, do a system wide test and push out. Leaving the game in a broken state makes 0 sense.

On a Series x console it crashes every 3 - 5 games. Once again, if this was a bug that was in favor of the player, it would be pushed out in hours. I do not see how management can brush of a crashing bug.

How long does verification take for each console?

@Jeto, @Kafka - I haven’t seen either of these - I’m on Android

So am I. (Albeit not recently – but the experience never dies.)

This is the golden question. We can safely guess that Switch takes longer than other platforms (due to its client updates typically releasing later), which in theory can only be attributed to a longer queue length or more steps in the verification process. And for the larger version updates, it’s likewise a safe bet that the dev team accounts for this expected delay in their pipeline – either by submitting it sooner (than other platforms) or by requesting a scheduled release once verification is finished. (Switch HAS received some clientside updates concurrent with other platforms)

Only when it can be fixed from the server side, without requiring a client software update that the platform holder demands time to scrutinize before rolling it out. Like, say, putting a Mythic trait on an Epic Troop. That didn’t require any changes to code (clientside), only data (cloud/server based).

Alternatively, name any prior GoW clientside hotfix/update that was “pushed out in hours”. I can wait.


After having using the old RNG “recipe” for dragonite dragons from gem eggs and receiving 4 Rubirath and 4 Garnetaerlin before getting a new boss dragon, I rarely even complete dungeons and no longer hope to be lucky enough to find the requisite dragonite to craft the rings necessary to craft Diamantina. So disheartening to get those duplicate dragons one after the other before getting a new one. Maybe this update will change my outlook. :woman_shrugging:

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Will these rotate in a 12-week cycle?

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that’s actually really odd. i turned on my game after I saw your post and I still don’t see it. i suppose it’ll show up eventually

Android, GoW 8.0 version if it matters (doubt it though)
:thinking: :vulcan_salute:

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2k dragonite?!
Is’t it too much?


at 2k, its less than 4 cosmic dragons to craft. when you’re at 5/6, I’d just pay the 2k honestly.

So in that regard, of course it could always be cheaper, but I’ve seen worse pricing schemes.

Unfortunately, there’s a good chance the original dragons are also likely going to be 2k which means exactly 4 original dragons to craft one. Not as ideal, but people could/should still do it to avoid the horror stories.