8.1 Update: Quests, Maps & More

Hi all, the new Dragonite Dragon recipe is now available in the Soulforge.

For those who asked why this was a priority and not the crashing issue:
This is a server fix which means we can push it to the server immediately once it’s passed testing in house.

The crashing issue is a game client fix - this means we have to build a new patch, put it through the full QA process, and submit it to every game store. This involves cooperation amongst people in different teams, working for different companies across different continents and is NOT a process that can be further simplified and be moved purely in house.

The hotfix for the crashing issue is currently in QA so it should be released soon as long as nothing unexpected blocks it. The fix for the crashing was submitted to QA long before the Soulforge issue appeared and was worked on, but the process for a hotfix is more extensive due to the reasons above.


Will these rotate in a 12-week cycle?


Also note the 500 diamonds - without which it might have been 3k. Which, if you are hunting a specific dragon, is still worth it for the guarantee of getting a specific one (remember, there is a ~1/e chance of not getting a desired specific after 6 eggs).


I think it’s just fine. It’s not meant for you to get all 6 (unless you have the 12000 dragonite just laying around.)

I’m still aiming to get the cosmic ones through the eggs - if I get down to missing one, I’ll just wait for the rotation. It’s not too annoying… yet.

I apprecaite they did something and not nothing.


All right, you’ve convinced me, guys. Thank you!

(Guess, I was a little upset that they haven’t reset the Soulforge :joy:)

We keep asking questions about the rotation of these dragons since the release of the patch notes, the questions are constantly ignored. Usual thing.


If I’ve calculated correctly the cost of getting this in only brought dragonite is 10,000 gems which could be bought in just over 1 month if done every day.

To be frank there still needs to be a buff to obtaining dragonite as the gnomes are practically non existent any even if I do see one it generally drops the lowest amount.

550 to craft a random one, 2k + diamonds to craft a specific one.

way more than i imagined it to be, but then i’m not out to suck every last bit of enjoyment from the game.

i now have at least 13 days to get 1k dragonite just in case the first green dragon is offered next week and is also 2k.

still, what will drive me from this game is them never offering war corgi as a pet rescue.

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Apologies, we’ve had quite a bit of illness on the CX team around the 8.1 release so we may have missed the questions.

It is intended to be on a cycle like the Mythic Troops where it runs through each of the dragons randomly until they’ve all been gone through, then the cycle restarts.

HOWEVER, randomly, we did encounter 1 week where a Dragon appeared to have 2 weeks back to back which was picked up on when testing other things. Not sure if it was a case of the rotation ending and a new one starting and it just happened to be the last dragon and the first dragon, so it’s on the test plans again so we can be 100% sure it is working as intended. Could also be something like the data we’re using for the test server was changed/reset or some “time travel” thing (because we need to be able to time travel on the test server to test upcoming events and content). So the hope is it is a non-issue but we’re re-testing to be safe.

We didn’t want that one occurance to delay the release of the new recipe, especially as it may have nothing to do with the recipe and the way it works itself at all. So we’re hoping it was a fluke like I mentioned and double checking it and released the recipe anyway.


Thank you very much for your reply!!! :sparkling_heart:


Thinking back to the days when Dragonite was ONLY obtainable through the Dungeon, I’m pretty happy with what we have now. Dragonite can still be obtained through RNG such as the Dungeon or gnomes, but can also be obtained somewhat consistently via the Underspire, PvP (using gold marks), and through passes.

It’s obviously not the most F2P-friendly resource, but it’s also one of the newest resources, one of the current carrots on a stick in front of us. It’s very likely it will become even easier to obtain over time, and eventually people will be drowning in unused Dragonite, depending on how long they continue to add new dragon eggs.

(For context, I am a paying player - usually just buying Elite campaign passes - and am missing one cosmic dragon and Stellarix :slightly_smiling_face:)


2000 dragonite to choose your dragon. What a deal!


Ive had stellarix for a while and got very lucky with only 2 dupes and i think that it shouldnt cost extra nite to get the ones you need. Rather a pity system where after a certain number of dupes you get a new

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This is expert-level communication thank you

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Now that we know the cost. This seems like a silly rule. The cost is high enough that an exclusive period of one year is over kill in my opinion. The 12-23 week rotation that is standard already should suffice.

You already have Campaign exclusive troops that take at least a year to make that cycle.

I can’t state this enough, the amount of unobtainable end game troops or books has caused my money to be unobtainable to the devs now.


i would be very happy t obtain that money instead, rather than leave it lying around your house where someone might trip and fall on it.

i always think of others.

dear devs and CX can we please stop with the summons on the enemy team please, the 10 turn limit imposed already makes it hard enough. the later levels the enemies hit like a truck.

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lol. they’re doubling down on the summons.

We’re expected to get Daemonic Portal Gems at some point (it’s in the new achievements/trophies):

So… that’s at least 2 Journeys with more summons.


They also need to fix the summoner bug that adds stats back onto the summoning troop.

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Do THEY need it tho?

Great more summons. PLAY your damn game devs. What is next silence gems … Even chat GPT says that this kind of change reduces fun.

Sidebar comment, but I crack up every time I see your icon on the screen, Sotoria. It kinda reminds me of someone else’s but….i just can’t put my finger on it :smile:

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