6th boss fight in the Underspire is missing a reward on the thumbnail, which may lead to players not using the lantern they saved for it

Platform, device version and operating system: PC/Steam

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Visual bug, the thumbnail for Rubirath, in addition to having Rubitressa, which is of course another recurring issue, who you also fight instead of Rubirath, doesn’t have the Major Orb of Glory on it that also came as a reward. I was of course saving one of my lanterns for it, but didn’t use it when I didn’t see the orb on the rewards, thinking the reward had been removed from the fight.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I only did it once, and thus can’t say.

Steps to make it happen again
Fight your way through the Underspire to get to the 6th dragon and fight Rubitressa instead of Rubirath, as she has replaced Rubirath every time.


This happens all the time to me, usually on the 4th boss. If you quit out of the game and restart, the preview works properly. It’s happened to me at least 4 times now. Very annoying.

Not a bug
Delete this please

Okay, THAT would be a bug. (Anyone have before/after type screenshots for this?)

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I’ll post here as soon as I get screenshots. It happens nearly every week, so I expect to have them by Thursday or Friday.

Here we go. Before:

And after:

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I’m still curious about the other bug mentioned. Either Rubirath is missing from the actual battle (which would be a bug, because Rubirath is supposed to be the 6th boss in the underspire) or Rubirath IS in the battle (which means that this is just a visual bug, where the preview team does not match the actual team)

i guarantee you the team just typed “rubi” and it autocompleted to rubitressa, it is what it is, as long as we continue to get the proper rewards it really doesnt matter much.

Agreed! The orbs of glory are definitely nice.

The thumbnail bug can happen for all bosses and exists since day one of underspire. If I remember right it happens when you do other gamemodes first and then go into underspire instead of going straight there after launching the game.