4th copy of sentinel. You call this fun?

You really need to sort this sentinel nonsense out. Play all the the way to the end to pick up 4th copy. Its an absolute joke




IMO in a mode like this where it is so hard just to get one of those troops it shouldnt be possible to get duplicate before you have found all 6 of them.

The only thing that would be fair, but fairness doesn’t exist in this game.


I don’t mean to take gratuitous shots at any one player in particular, particularly the TC, but…

… what lessons are those who complain about this sort of topic in these forums expecting the developers to learn? We’ve been hearing these things since the implementation of Gem Dragon Eggs for Diamantina. We continued to hear them as Cosmic Dragon Eggs were introduced for Stellarix. We’re still hearing them about Sentinels since they introduced fights in the dead-ends of the Underspire, and now we’re hearing them about Immortals.

But an awful lot of the people who are complaining about these things still pursue those “uber-RNG gacha troops”. They complain, but then they go right back to the hamster wheel or the treadmill or the (insert your favorite related metaphor here) and keep trying to beat the odds. I’m betting that “engagement” on those fronts haven’t dropped by a significant enough amount for the developers to notice and take corrective actions.

So I figure one of three things has to be the case. Either the developers ignore the forums or at least these complaints entirely, chalking it up to background noise from a minority of players. Or they look at a specific complaint and subsuquently dredge up the “engagement” statistics for the player in question and see that s/he still chases that particular shiny object and therefore dismisses the complaints as “blowing off steam” on account of no behavioral change. Or they even pat themselves on the back that they’ve found the right shiny object and FOMO to keep somebody engaged in spite of their complaints and get back to work on the next iteration of the same.

At some point you have to stop blaming the developers. It’s the battered spouse returning to their abuser time and again.

At some point, this is a “you” issue and not a “them” issue. Which puts the onus on you to make the necessary changes as not to keep finding yourself in the same unhappy situation.


I must like being punched in the face :joy: you do make a very good point though thank you for comment it tickled me :facepunch:

Not to say you’re wrong about the devs but it’s still victim blaming, with that paragraph being especially problematic. There are sadly very complicated psychological factors and so much more for why this happens.

I understand what you’re trying to say but it’s still iffy.

Thing for the game is, what can we do? We could drop it completely but most people who are done with a game will just delete it and move on.

Those who complain are trying to make it better while sadly screaming into the void.

Too bad gems went full greed mode - and not only money wise but also time wise.


That’s precisely what you do. You drop it completely. Or you at least drop the game modes that feed the problem.

Because complaining about it but continuing to play anyhow? I don’t see how the developers draw any alternate conclusion from this. That the players continue to partake in this particular game mode and this particular behavior, therefore, it can’t be that bad.

If you find the behavior of the developers that unacceptable, you cut them off. You stop giving them your money, your time, your effort. You “vote with your feet” by taking all that elsewhere, to a pastime that does reward you satisfactorily for your investments.

I understand so many of the psychological reasons why people don’t act like this. But as I keep saying, there comes a time when the problem isn’t them.

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There have been quite a lot of activities in Gems of War that have been adjusted due to negative criticism including Kingdom Passes, Legends Reborn, Journey (marginally), Campaign Passes and Factions.

Day 1 Epic Vault Key drop rates were abnormally horrible. Heart of Rage used to be consumed on use to make Enraged Kurandara and that angered people. People still “engaged” with all of these things. Plentifully.

Epic Trials had plenty of hate engagement and even more people that just couldnt do it. People were just using a GAP to clear them. That should have been the fix, no need for the dev team to do anything!

Even just recently, Stellarix and Wand of Stars were removed from enemy defense teams.

PvP VP gains were also adjusted to be less ridiculously unfair to higher level players. They were still engaging right?

If everyone stayed quiet, the Gems of War team wouldn’t know what to act on and things could never happen.

This is basically akin to going to a restaurant that you like and you had one bad experience. Do you tell them? Going by this logic, you’d say no, you cut them off and never go back.

That’s great and then when everyone else does the same thing, the restaurants then have to cut budget in everything and raise prices from lack of profits, reducing quality even more to the point where things spiral and the restaurant eventually goes out of business.

Victim blaming and absolving the problematic party is ridiculous. Even if the battered spouse shouldn’t be returning to their abuser, it doesn’t change the abuser remaining a problem.

There is just so much wrong with this.