4.6 Update Patch Notes

Immediately prior to 4.5 (the challenge revamp), bonus souls from challenges were still affected by armor bonuses and the difficulty you played the battle at, allowing for up to +100% armor +50% guild +125% difficulty (x3.75 reachable by a lot of people, so 375 for a single 5 star challenge from just the one-time challenge souls) in addition to any VIP bonuses and a pet. I tested this on an alt immediately before I patched 4.5 to confirm it was still like that. After 4.5, the bonus souls from a challenge were always a fixed amount, 50, no matter what your bonuses were, and the kingdom bonus was 500, also no matter what. They were never affected by in-battle traits in any version. 4.6 (this update) didn’t change anything for either of those.

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That’s the one! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::man_facepalming:

My main issue with the new Explore is that we don’t feel rewarded when successfully finishing a Mythic battle even at Difficulty 12…

2-3 tokens in D12 is a joke. It should be 10-12 tokens. No like we need 40k tokens…


I agree with @turintuor . And the fact that you only get 1 champion xp for explore fights while these battles are harder than challenges or PVP (for which you get 2 xp) feels like a slap in the face as well…


I’m not sure if this question has been asked: can a higher-rarity medal upgrade more than one level at a time on a lower rarity troop? For example, since a Cedric medal provides a 3x bonus to rare and a 6x bonus to common troops (based on my understanding) will using one ultra-rare medal complete a common troop from bronze to gold (6 common medals worth)? Will using a Cedric medal boost a rare troop from bronze to silver (3 rare medals worth)?

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I used one Cedric medal on Humility (common troop) and it only went one medal-level up (bronze).


The devs don’t base Champion XP awards on the difficulty of the fight. Rather, they base it on the whether the activity in question is unlimited in activity for free or not.

– Challenge XP gets 2 per match because those matches are never repeatable, once cleared.
– Events that require sigils (Weekly Events/Dungeons/Delves/etc.) to run get 2 per match because they are limited in number, by either free and/or paid sigils purchases.
– Explores do NOT get 2 per match because they can be run infinitely for free.

– PvP modes get 2 per match… but those modes haven’t been revamped yet. I’d put the 2 per match in PvP on the endangered species list, personally. I’m looking right at you, 4.7 or 5.0.

The devs have said on a Q/A stream that of all the newer-style events, the Class events are the worst performing of them all. Slowly, but surely, the devs are correcting their design error. They want to push players to buy Champion XP from the Thursday event shop every week. They aren’t going to achieve that goal, if players are still allowed to farm Champion XP at reasonable rates infinitely for free.

Because they have the :poop:-tiest rewards and aren’t adjusted between 1 and 3 day events. Not because people are getting too much XP in other places.


Overall new explore system has a good premise, but it could use some streamlining, most notably that extra clicking on boss chest must absolutely go - boss chest contents should’ve been added to mythic battle rewards screen from the get-go.
A little correction in the patch notes - instead of “…arcande drop rates slightly lowered to compensate for guaranteed arcane in mythic battle…” it should read “…mythic battles must be your primary and main income of arcanes and we have made it sure as hell death and taxes that you get the message by reducing arcane drop rate in non-mythic explore from six percent to - and I’m being generous here based on next to 2000 explores (level 2) over the weekend - two percent.”

It would’ve been good to make it so that medals are assigned to a team slot…I’m sure that we’ll soon get to the same dancing in circles as it was with hero class issue.

On a positive note - we have a clear candidate for The-stupidestest-of-stupid-things-to-happen-this-year award that, of course, goes to Medal of Cedric.
Axing great deal of team building strategy, neutering all troops that either inflict status effects, get their abilities boosted by status effects or use status effects as conditional triggers for parts of their spells, making troops, that perform cleanse, basically obsolete all in one go…congratulations!
But you could’ve taken that final step, though, and made it so that equipping 3 Medals of Cedric gives 95 percent chance to win automatically after making one gem match. It might’ve made nerf squad ecstatic instead of just satisfied.


Is this a bad time to ask if 3 Medals of Cedric Stack to give 80% cleanse rate every turn?
10% base + 40% + 20% + 10%
(I think I did the percentages of the percentages correctly).
On the screen it just shows 40% 3 seperate times.

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You’re right. 3 Medals of Cedric plus the usual 10% base cleanse gives you an 81% chance of cleanse firing at least once.

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It rolls for each of your troops too. Sometimes I get two cleanses, sometimes I get four … it’s the consistent kind of RNG that’s very very generous to the wielder.

Are those rewards available for free through participation? Then, working as intended, and you know that.

Hang onto that thought for a few more months, when more kingdoms start breaking the Power 16+ barrier and players have starting reaching Champion Levels 70 - 100 to earn the newest weekly kingdom stars. It’s absolutely going to be an issue, and designed as intended.

Nah. It just looks like that now, because we’re only seeing the vanilla launch of six medals.

From the patch notes:

You can bet your arse that will be new medals coming, including ones that effectively counter the Cedric medal. We just can’t see them yet. Among the possibilities I can think of in about 15 seconds that have a solid chance of implementation are:

– Jinx medals
– Curse medals
– Conditional counter medals (if opponent has X medal equipped, do Y)

And so on…

And you can almost guarantee that the counter medals will be harder/rarer to get than the medals for the effect that they counter. The devs have effectively created a system for players where they can’t hoard resources like they can for monthly legendary/mythics releases.

Moving forward, medals are going to be the primary meta-shifters. The Cedric medal is prime proof of that. The hunger is already real, just from the forum posts alone this weekend. After Guild Wars, this week, that hunger is going to be ravenous. And that’s exactly where the devs want players to be for when the next batch of medals release.

Let’s not get carried away. The hunger is only real now because its new. Give it a week and most people will stop caring one bit about medals. The current system is too out of balance to want to farm forever.


I know why they designed it that way. I was explaining why they are under performing.

Folks have the short term goal of having 3 of the best medals equipped. Once that’s done and it becomes about “enriching” troops. That’s when the hunger dies.
@Mithran can check my math. But my guess is I have better odds of getting 3 Ironguts than attaining 27 tokens of nympho. Which feels broken to me given the stat adjustment it causes. Or just a fool’s errand.
Like run up a hill and I’ll reward you. What’s the carrot?
A literal carrot.
Nah, I’m good… I’ll walk up the hill eventually.


In its current state, medal upgrades for troops are a fool’s errand. The player base is basically Sisyphus and the medals are our boulder.

It used to be ingots, but since ingot inception, they’ve created delve rewards for legendary and mythic ingots, daily login for easier access, and now a Mech Gnome. (they even sell epic ingots).

For one thing, why aren’t Growth orbs considered for covering the cost of medal upgrades? Medal upgrades are still leveling the troop up for purposes of categorization.


The entire reward table is pretty bad all the way to the end, regardless of what you spend, including the fact that you can’t spend much to get better rewards/longer event for the weekend version.

If nothing else, class xp offering on this are about 1/10th what they should be, but that doesn’t help people with that associated class maxed. The weekend one only has a handful more cycles and its gone forever, so it probably isn’t seen as worth putting any time into fixing.

Class events have always been one of the following for almost everybody:

  1. ignore entirely
  2. Get your “free” rewards and move on
  3. spend gems to get champion xp and/or weapon unlocks, then play the seals out of obligation
  4. chase an orb of power on the leaderboard

Every other personal (not guild) event, the sigils have some kind of tangible value where playing them can get you something significantly faster than you would anywhere else. Here, the champion xp from the reward tiers is sometimes only time-positive versus farming if you play the class itself during the event, which in and of itself might not be optimal, and the team you have access to is relatively fast, which isn’t always the case. Also, these have the most boring of all restrictions from a teambuilding standpoint.

Why is this important when “just the shop” gives the bulk of rewards you’d be after already, and thats all they really need economy wise? Because that feels like garbage to interact with, which results in lower participation over time - maybe not from the most hardcore, but everyone else. A player is going to far more rewarded putting forth effort to overcome goals than buying a skip with premium currency and ignoring the gameplay. With the rewards for playing the event being very weak on the extrinsic reward scale even with respect to the primary function of the event, its no wonder.

I’m also kinda doubting this. The way medals as rewards are structured, the power tip has been extremely frontloaded. All changes in recent versions have been to move us away from being a “grind” game. The “grinds” we do have are generally broken into limited entry use it or lose it stuff, because it works far better for this. The infinite grinds that are available are generally shown as significantly less profitable unless you have a ton of spare time, keeping the people grabbing all the low hanging fruit in striking distance of the people that are spending 20+ hours per week on the game. This is the general design of Gems of War. As of now, explore steps outside those bounds by having something you can only grind for with no limited entry.

Also, I don’t expect a lot of different medal types anytime soon because they are already kinda wrote themselves into a corner with the initial implementation. Plus, as long as we use global drop tables for every kingdom, any medal added will pollute the drop table and make it take longer to get a single medal of any given type, and right now the rarer ones are pretty rare just to find one to equip, let alone to use for elites. I’ve probably dropped what would normally be weeks worth of playtime for me into this initial explore push and don’t even have a single badge with +magic to show for it. I see no reason to keep pushing here, but it at least gives me something to do in short bursts. Since the minimum effective bonus split into three on the higher rarity medals can still elude you for several sessions in a row, I’ll probably get bored trying to get even one of those.

I’m actually expecting a “low hanging fruit” way to mete out a fairly fixed amount of medals by 5.0, because completing a single mythics elite levels at this point seems to be a grind comparable to fully upgrading a legendary weapon before delves were introduced. And then they can start selling them. Hopefully in that order.


Nysha, but i like your medals better :smiley:


100% chance to summon Lust every turn