3.2 Known Issues (PC/Mobile/Console)

Every time I log in I get asked to download more assets… supremely annoying


I killed the ai with my own Elspeth


It’s possible to target the AI with Sacrificial Priest and Black Beat too :stuck_out_tongue: .


Platform: PC
Issue: Guild Wars defence team bonus for individual troops is showing 0 for 23 individual troops.

Is this a bug or do we only get a bonus for using 24 different troops in the GW defence teams (ie not possible to get any bonus this week if you used a duplicate troop yesterday).

Defense bonus starts next week.

You can also give the ai barrier

Is it a bannable offense to use 4x Elspeth and kill the enemy team?
I kinda like to think of them as my allies, as I have collected the same troops I am fighting against.
So technically I am using the troop in a correct manner, right?


Update: I wanted to abuse this, but after a few matches I got a headache and turned the game off.

i just beat 3 trophy team with 1 elspeth…:sunglasses:

Dungeon victory screen as shown below did not give me an option to continue. I had to force close the app.

Edit: android platform. Happened with both the first two dungeon games


Ah, ok. Cheers for the response.

Android: images for glory, gold, keys, gems etc. have not loaded and will not load.

Edit: just got 120 event stones. No idea what my reward was.


Pressing more buttons to see what was visible pre 3.2 is a massive backwards step. Like virtually everything.
Occasionally loading up chat crashes the game, ps4.
People in my guild, including me are already talking about quitting.


Mana surge from 4/5 gem matches… SHOULD BE OFF

Très déçue de la “nouvelle version” très illisible et moche, le graphisme ne va pas du tout avec le jeu

  • remettez la jauge ainsi que les étoiles aux royaumes
  • une vignette cohérente pour les troupes

  • Bref, avant ont avait tout très ergonomique directement visible en un coup d’oeil,
    là avec tout les trucs les uns sous les autres, comme en-haut, l’or, les ailes, les diamants
    ensuite cet avatar qui était très bien en bas à gauche
    pfff quel gâchi ^^
    … sûrement un graphiste qui a voulu faire joujou et qui n’est pas du tout dans l’osmose du jeu
    et qui ne joue pas au jeu pour avoir fait autant d’erreur de visibilité et d’ergonomie

Android 7.1.1
Nexus 6
Failed to open game

iPhone SE iOS 10.3.3
Failed to open game

Failed to open game

Help me!

Yes I am wondering the same thing, many people in my guild could not open the game,both iOS 10 and 11, seems like no one has mentioned it in this post.

3.2 Crash on start in iOS / Korean locale. It is ok in English locale.

Hero class doesn’t fit in place properly.

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I can’t change my pvp defense team. It goes back to team one no matter what I do. I used to get around this by hitting edit teams and changing it there. This no longer works. Pvp defense bars for ai are now gone as well?

Why so many information visible so far directly on various screens have been hidden under ?-mark-button ?
It is a huge step backwards and very user-unfriendly…

I guess game is tested before release… then how is it posibble so many obvious bugs came through? It was sufficient to play ONE fight to find tons on issues mentioned above.
