3.2 Feedback and Suggestions

I don’t know which is worse - the new UI or destroying the Kraken :frowning:


Mechanics :
-Troop colour selection is very welcome and handy
-Chests are quicker, the results more like lottery
-Banner selection is easier, but why the large flag and tiny stats?
-My Bonuses, gold by hour… good ideas but do we really need those?
-Team scores are transparent
-In Pvp opponent selection troop rarities are not showing
-Troops stats hard to see
-‘Glow’ effect of readied spells reduced to nothing
-Spell effects eg barriers barely showing
Why? Why does this have to look like XBox? The font is like reading a manual and the over all looks like Bad Taste married Babylon5.
The beauty of this game was in the cards, the outlook of each like you could hold them in your hands. In weapons the new visuals are not so much bad but the artwork of troops are reduced to futuristic bakers dozen.

If this UI is result of the good feedback about Dungeons&Soulforges it was due to their mechanics, not the visuals.

Please, let us have the new improving mechanics and give us back the old fantasy saturated GoW.


What is this? That’s the new stun! Did somebody cross out the traits with a pen???stunning


I came back to check this out, but I’m gone again after 20 mins of play.

The new UI is indeed horrible for a fantasy game… This design is more for like a sci-fi game.

First of all, it should have never been released in it’s current state, with half the screens done and half not.
That’s a beta release, not a public release. This looks like a half @ssed amateur attempt which makes the game as a whole look like crap, and something a dev team of 1.5 developers made in a couple a hours.

If you do continue down this road, then you need new gems to, as they totally don’t match the screen anymore now.

But imo, this game needs a “fantasy” look like the old one.

Not this minimalist attempt with 1 color icons (like the shield/heart) on the cards.

I honestly have no clue what you guys were thinking when you released this in it’s current state.


Having now experienced the patch myself for five minutes:

Let me click anywhere to dismiss a rewards screen, not only the “continue” button. This is an annoying and unnecessary extra mouse motion I do not need to go through. That may sound petty, but its more usable when you can just rapidly click through the screens.

Get rid of that extremely long time wasting rewards animation after every battle that doesn’t even consolidate the information. I got better and more relevant information from the old rewards screen much quicker. Horizontal scrolling - why? Vertical scrolling is much better from just a usability standpoint.

Its just as bad on the chests screen. You know we have to open over 20,000 gold chests to get a common troop to mythic, right? Why did it need to be made even more tedious? I know the rewards screens are not married to function, because you still use the old rewards screen in the glory shop, and it works fine.

Since it bears repeating: Border your text. All of it. I was hoping people were exaggerating with how hard it was to read in-game even after having seen the screenshots, but nope, its barely legible in many cases. I’m only ten minutes in, and I may be having to stop for the day to avoid a migraine.


The new “modern” UI is very difficult to use (playing on iPad), for reasons already stated elsewhere in this thread. After a few minutes of playing I started to get a headache so I had to stop playing.

I really enjoyed playing this game, and even frequently make purchases from the in-game store. I would like to keep playing, and spending money, but if there isn’t a way to use the fantasy artwork UI then I will move on to other games. It just isn’t worth the physical discomfort, and it no longer looks like the game that I want to play.


what even the point of this?looks like a medieval mens restroom sign or something.just useless clutter :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



I forgot the constructive criticism part, and I don’t wanna be that guy, so here goes:

Fire the UI designer and developer.
Fire quality control (not sure if you have one though)
Fire all the beta testers.

Now hire some people who actually know what they’re doing.


Which is the correct logo for Suncrest?
image or image


Post of the day! Sorry for not adding something constructive, but I’m in that kinda mood today.


Worst UI evah. Were you drunk when you made this one? I’ll probably quit playing now. I think you’re gonna lose a LOT of gamers and paying customers for this crapl


Let me start with something positive. I would like to appreciate the time and effort put into the game over time. The game feeled alive with adding troops, features like soulforge, etc. Despite my large library of games, this was the game to come to when i couldnt decide what to play and the game gave me lot of satisfaction. It was heading the right direction, one step at a time.

Noew for the less fortunate topic regarding the latest ui. Dont even know where to start. You made a perfectly nice game so inconsistent and confusing.

  1. Inconsistency. Some screens still have the old ui(still the preferred one). With the great art in the game, the gradient based items just doesnt fit. Overall very confusing experience. I know you wanted to have a more modern ui, but it isnt the right one. My suggestion here would be to go back to drawing board, and make more like the rest of the art in the game. Its just better fit for fantasy themed game. And please dont even think about changing the music/audio.

  2. Filters. On a 55inch tv having few lines of filters through the whole screen just seems to be a waste of space. My friends playing on the mobile were pleasantly surprised when they got the xbox level filter. Look people are playing on consoles and touch devices, noone wants to write text into the search field in filter. We used filters for traits and spell effect to find synergies between troops, find the right tank, putting together a team for soul farming, etc. Its gone now. My suggestion here is to revert to the previous one with all the features. On lower resolution screen make it scrollable, just dont cut the features.

  3. Traitstone icons. This couldnt get more confusing. On the previous ones it was perfectly clean, what level the stone is and what color.

I appreciate putting the soul count on main screen, dont have to go to troop screen now, but its just a small positive that feels like nothing compared to the overall damage to the game.

I know that vector graphics is smaller in size and more scalable, thats why the simplified menu items. However, drawn graphics has class and was a great overall experience with the music and the fantasy world.

I would suggest an experiment, where there will be a possibility to switch between old and latest ui. Like on the start of the game, to propose the updated one, but lets say after an hour of playing to ask again to keep it, or change it back. The old data is still on the devices, so it would mean just an additional config change. This way you would be able to get real life feedback from players, and evaluate it based on the player lvl, etc.

Dont fix, what isnt broken.

P.S. I hope that the platform will be connected sooner than later. That would be a better idea in my opinion to work on, than making your game, hard to look at.


I posted in the Patch Notes thread, its … immense. Linking here.


This was definitely a mistake. The numbers on the troops are hard to see. When you open chests, you get to guess if you got a new troop. The kingdoms no longer show progress to the next star. The kingdoms no longer show what traitstones they offer. There is already a glitch on tributes not showing the actual amount of gold you are getting. The look is clunky and unattractive. The font is small overall and harder to read. More players are leaving if you watched the global chat as I did.


I laughed so hard at that :joy:


id like to see what am i looting,
have it all in one summary like before, without scrolling, and not to wait until images download
if it must be scrollable - at least give the most important info - gold- on the end of it, not in the beginning - so ppl can click skip and still see it

also please delete troop card loading at every loading screen. it possibly eats too much data transfer :confused:


Yes, and don’t even get me started on the new banners/filters section in troops menu.

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My two cents…

I like the new filter options. It’s great to choose multiple colors now and having drop down lists.

Not So Good:
I echo everyone’s concern about the game now being very hard on the eyes. I also experience eye fatigue after playing a few games.

Results screen, banners, chest results screen, etc. - I do not care for scrolling to see everything. I really liked the summary screens that we had before.

Arena - cannot see the cards/colors previously picked. Makes it more difficult to avoid color conflicts.

Chat - I haven’t seen this mentioned yet (I may have missed it) but at least on my end, the lines that surround the timestamp are showing like a strikethrough or an underline on some lines of text.


Most of my criticism has already been said here. Ideally just give an option to revert to the old UI. There is so much wrong with the new one.

Also the kraken nerf seems weird. The problem is not krakens but trolls. Krakens were normal, sometimes annoying (which is ok) units before the troll buff.


Im not sure why this was even added, i dident think there were any problem with the other ui but now when we get this new one i can actuly say that the old one were so much better!! Comparing old and new one i think old one were better in alot of ways. Right now it feels like you have tried something new thats not even ready or done. Its all pushed togher like half serious, i think you should go back to the old one for sure, was better adjusted for everyone, this new one feels abit to small and not good for everyone.