3.1.5 Known Issues (PC/Mobile AND Console!)

On android crashes too. Everytime when I try to change graphic quality (on my device graphics are very blurry), two times when checking troops, about three times when fighting on any mode…
Oh, and game lags as hell.

Power save mode on.
Samsung Galaxy Ace 4, android 4.4 I think

I do believe that this is an android thing. Mine does that with all my apps when there is a big update

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Thanks. Tried everything but that!

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For a small update, impervious is still broken on devour but impervious is still working for other things like silence effects. It would not let me silence an impervious plague.

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Could you try running the game on the lower graphic quality for now and see if that helps? The Samsung Galaxy Ace 4 only has 1GB of RAM, which may be what is causing the lag/ crash issues you are seeing.

While we understand that playing on the lower graphic quality makes the game look not as good, but good new is that we have some plans in our UI update in 3.2 should hopefully allow you to play on a higher quality again.

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Will that (power saving mode) make the game run slower?

I’ve checked and my ipad air should support 60 fps.

No, it runs the game at the same speed. But it runs less frames so it should use less power and hopefully crash less.

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What OS version are you running on? I’ve been playing 3.1 for quite a while now on iPad Air, but on the latest iOS 10. I’d be interested to know what iOS version you are on, to see if we can detect a pattern there. It may be that the game has issues with older versions of iOS.

And yes, it should run at 60FPS. Setting Power Saving to be on makes it run at 30FPS which should help with resource usage.


Latest ios version, 10.3.3

Can you please explain what happens when it crashes? Does it just crash to the home screen without any error message? Is this the 1st generation iPad Air, and what Graphics quality and graphics settings do you have enabled?

On Oreo (Android 8.0), the app icon is half-size.


Maybe I’m overlooking something, but is it difficulty setting no longer available? I play on mobile and pc/steam, can’t find it anywhere.

On PC/steam version:

  • Chat flyout menu’s can no longer be hidden when dragging the chat window to the bottom right.

This is extremely annoying for me to be honest, and I wish it would function like it did before 3.1. I don’t need to see 3 big ass arrows constantly when I’m not using them. Also can’t lock the chat window size.

Difficulty is now set in the pre-battle screen rather than from the world menu.

I think enabling Power Saver is working around my iOS crash issue. I haven’t seen it crash yet with the setting enabled. (But it sucks to lose all those frames D: )

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Game is very laggy on 2x and particularly on 4x speed when doing multiple cascaded matches and spell casts are 90% of the time invisible and create just a 1-2 second lag. This is happenning on all graphic settings. Also the hourly tribute trigger via mailbox is still present.
Samsung Galaxy s8 android 7.0. Would expect the game to run smooth :expressionless:

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My Soulforge doesn’t level up on its own. It happily stalled at 20/20, and now 60/60, waiting for me to spend the 0 gems required to increase its level.

iOS 10.current, iPhone 5s.

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It’s working like that for everyone…

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Thanks so much for the help, found it! :smile: