2.1 Arrives!

What about the resource balance they were trying to achieve?

Simples… just set the rewards low enough to not disturb said balance, but at least something so that donations can continue…

(ps, about that avatar pic…)

I don’t think many guilds are concerned by your problem.

You can buy gold keys with your golds, no? So what’s the problem?

What if there are limitations to how many gold keys anybody wants?

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Keeping people motivated the 5 remaining days of the week once all the tasks are completed and the seals cap is reached!

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Both of the above!

I like the idea of the sacrificial pot where any member can contribute that of which she/he has an abundance of, and it can sport the same system as the guild chest with different levels of outcome.

How many glory/gem/event/vip keys would it take to keep people happy for another 6 days?

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@Robert makes a valid point. The hard core players are already those who don’t do treasure hunt or arena because they are less efficient than PvP.
Providing any kind of sacrificial pot would have to be at a seriously low efficiency, meaning that hard core players might simply ignore it because it wouldn’t be efficient enough. And if it were at a sufficient efficiency level, it would warp the economy again.

I do like the idea of a sacrificial pot though, just doublecheck with yourself whether you would use it even if you would have to dump say half a million gold or 5000 souls into it to get everyone in the guild 1 glory key (at most) before supporting the idea? That kind of conversion rates…


I would like the idea of a Sacrificial Altar where you can donate gold (and souls) to acquire an Arcane Stone, could either be random or based on the Event Kingdom of the week. Obviously prices would have to reflect the award so the economy doesn’t get busted again.


If it’s at 200% it’s already pretty steep, but still enough for many players.

ergo: for gold keys: 1 gold key at 300gold becomes 1 at 600gold
etc etc…

10 million gold for a 10 gold key task sounds perfect to me. I failed math, but i’m crunching the numbers on my fingers and toes, it looks correct.

Maybe the mythic tasks will only give statue & guild XP.

I like the idea of those, in the guilds completing their weekly tasks finish so fast, to just stop playing, giving the rest of us more time to catch up! LOL

Seriously, I would be patient long enough for the devs to give more info on how the Guild Wars feature will work; my hunch is this alone will provide a lot more to do once weekly tasks are done.

I thought they were going to have trait stone tasks, it seemed like the perfect way to give “more” while getting less gems and glory keys.

after 2 weeks of the update im finding myself loosing motivation to play after the 1500 cap, which never happened pre-update …yeah something need to be done here to keep the positive experience whole week…


Gems of war isn’t supposed to be a full time job…
Unlimited play giving unlimited loot hurts the employed fan base and makes them lose interest.

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Atm Gems of War current guild system is the same system,that p2w browser games like Bleach online uses.The only difference is that in those games everything costs energy.I understand,that the devs need money,but we need something to do after the 1500 seal cap.And no,neither Anna,nor i belong to a super top guild,that do the 40k seals in 1 day.


As a casual player, at least relative to many on the forum, I’m finding the seal cap discouraging for the opposite reason: reaching it requires playing far more than I should, or even want to, in a week. However, I feel compelled to do so anyway, because not capping out every week means permanently falling behind with no way to catch up, and out of a sense of duty to my guild. It’s either going to burn me out in short order, or I’m going to have to give up on hitting the cap, which itself may cause me to lose interest.

Before, aside from reaching tier 1 in PvP every week, I felt that I could play as much or as little as I wanted. Now I feel under pressure, and it makes the game stressful, rather than enjoyable.


I don’t mind the seal and guild limit given that everything else in the game has no limit. At least it is not something like Hearthstone or Clash Royale where they either cap resources based on a daily quest like Hearthstone or stop giving resources after a low amount of wins per day like Clash Royale. In Gems of War you can farm literally any resource endlessly with the only exclusion being seals. I’m pretty sure the seal cap was added just to make sure something in the game was locked for end game players and to try making some money off of selling seals. Guild wide my guild members have been collectively spending $100+ a week on seals alone.

As long as they don’t go and start capping off multiple resources, I am perfectly fine with what they have done. The guild change and addition of the seals are just methods added to the game to slow down the 40+ hour playing players a week some. Many other F2P games of similar formats have a 1 hour per day resource cap or less.