1.0.9 Preview Part 1 – Hero Classes

not so patiently waiting for Preview 2


I feel like a kid wondering what day Christmas will be this week.

I try not to keep a time clock show New Zealand / Australia day and time on my desktop. It’s almost Monday morning!

I’ve been like that for the last month. xD

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Will one be able to browse all the classes before we decide which to pick?

Probably not, but that shouldn’t matter too much. Whenever a new one is unlocked the timer for choosing one is reset. There will also likely be someone within the first 24 hours who will make a guide on it then add the info to the wiki.


if you dont unlock them, you will be able to browse them… at least since it is additional story line stuff.

If Part 1 is about Hero Class, I wonder what Part 2 will discuss? Guild Chat?
I thought guild buff won’t be coming until 2.0?

Probably about the adjustments to the troops

My guess is that it will be about the guild chat and the new task system for masteries.

Don’t forget that it’s not just picking the class, it’s also picking the perk. That’s 21 different ways to set up a team containing a hero. 20 slots suddenly don’t sound like that much any longer.

Maybe there should be 20 additional class-bound slot for each class. They always contain the hero. You only get to see those slots belonging to the currently selected class. So if you change your class the 20 slots for that class get swapped in, if you change back the previously maintained slots are back. Doesn’t help for perk picking though.

I seem to recall the preview claiming that the hero is supposed to become even more powerful than Legendary troops. I might be mistaken though, I’d have to watch it again. But even if it’s just a small advantage, why settle for an inferior team composition? If I wanted to play with a weaker than possible hero I could just equip those common weapons you get a low levels. :wink:

Or just unlock the class for switching purposes once you master it. Maybe after obtaining the Mythic class weapon, takes 500 fights.

I like this idea!

something like this is what I think you mean.

I am opening forum way to often in expectance of the second preview xD
Hope it will come soon I get to excited everytime I see couple new notification only too see it’s just previous posts being commented, but nothing new xD


Waited for the patch :skull_crossbones:


Assuming they wait a full week, part 2 will be tomorrow morning. About 21 hours from the time of this post.

But who’s counting…


Yes I know, but there’s this lil guy in me who thinks it might come out sooner xD
His name is Hope. Strange name for a guy for sure :open_mouth:

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dose this replace the normal ways kingdoms upgrade? So all that gold I sinking into my kingdoms is not needed now?