[Weekly Event] Let's help each other out

8774, which is as high as my team points can currently get.

That would explain then why you’re getting 8k matches in 2-3 slot. The matches are based off the defense team points… the lower the defense team points - the lower the teams that are presented in PVP

excuse me @Sidousai @MakoSipper but Royal Engeneer is a human not mech.

i made 3 mach team of: Jarl (gob) rocket rocket rocket
since my bombots are too low armor

Yea, but he summons more mech, unless I’m mistaken?


Nope you’re correct, he does. Tankbot, Bombot or Flame Cannon.

point taken, but i still dislike carnex + 3x royal engeneer kind of setup :stuck_out_tongue: (which belonged to Mako)

No, I never mentioned such a team. I suggested:

I ended up using 4 Deep Borers in the end. It sounded like the least annoying, especially with more people using Rowanne this week. Carnex is also a good help, as long as it’s untraited (not my case, so he would be annoying as I said).

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I went with four Tankbots, since he is my only untraited Mech. Usually, I try to make it somewhat of an encounter, but pretty much any semi-legitimate team I put up would both be a little too brutal to anyone with lower stats and max out my defense team score.

And what green teams do you enjoy the most? :blush:

I’m running this team this week:

Snow Guardian()
Dark Maiden


Woodland Banner (+2 Green)

Having Snow Guardian at three traits is also helpful.

I’m doing the following for my green team

Treant M20/***
Dark Maiden M20/***
Rowanne L19/*
Glade Warden M20/***

Horned Banner (+1 Green / +1 Red)

I’ve been running this green team for the event:
Dark Maiden ***
Kraken ***
Rowanne ***
Sylvanimora ***
You can use either double green or abyssal banner (+2 purple +1 red -1 yellow)

And 4x spirit fox to fight single troop defense :grin:


I’ve also set a meca team in defense to help other people. But unfortunately I don’t meet that much ennemy team of mecas.

I was wondering where I can find some in exploration. Most of meca troops are from Adana, so I’ve done ~10 fights here. But in fact, there are a few ennemies that are meca here …
Do you have any suggestion for exploration containing meca ?

yes, somehow i nearly dont meet mech teams so far
maybe 20% of teams i see are mechs

i wonder did ppl just get lazy after 2 weeks of having no point to set an “event points defense”

You can also run the Adana Challenges.
Artillery and Mad Inventions stages both give +3 snotstones.


Another week were you can help your fellow GoW PVP players out.

Make a team with Beasts so folks can battle beasts and get the event gems.

Suggestions for some nice beast troop

Bone Scorpion
Frost Lizard
Snowy Owl
War goat

Want something with a little more challenge toss in one of these
Giant Spider (and those little spiders make more gems too)
Warg (another spawner)
Winged Bison (another spawner)

And if you really want to spice it up
Kerberos (spawns too if you have the third trait)


Running Penguin x4… Get slapped! :smiley:


I think this is a week, where people don’t need extra motivation to put up event troops in their defense :wink:


This week is like Valentine week between Forest Guardian and Kerebos…


seems like this week ppl will be sending them a lot flowers :bouquet: and chockolates :poop:

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