Pop goes the Weasel

I know she is fun. But I still can’t accept an exploder with an extra turn as a good idea.
The closest was the rocket!


Goblin Rocket says it can work. Clearly she just needs like 50% less explosion.

Removing Stealthy from her arsenal is good because we more easily avoid the scenario where she continuously buffs herself, if she’s the only one left alive.

I would suggest exploding a set number of green gems, like five or six or something. Maybe lower the cost slightly to compensate, to 13 or something.

And obviously Grapplepot is bonkers in terms of damage. Full Goblin team, 35 damage. Only herself, still 26 damage. Even taking off the current bonuses, that’s going to be 31-33 and 22-24 respectively. And then even more damage if the other team has Goblins, which is a neat feature and lore-appropriate, but scary dangerous. (Please nerf Krystenax in the same area while we’re at it…)

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I just had a Fizzbang fail to bang. She gave attack to one of my troops but no gems exploded. Her text still says she explodes, so I am not sure what to make of this. @Saltypatra, yet-unannounced change, or a weird bug?

is there green on the board?

Yeah. 10 of them. Her second cast went off just fine, though, so it was a weird bug.

Nope! Nerf to the Princess. In four casts she has failed to explode on three occasions. The time she did explode I didn’t notice a stat boost. Text still reads the old version.

Maybe that’s why she didn’t explode even though the text said so.

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Sadly back to having to look at the screen while playing…


It’s announced, there’s a thread about it:

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1 Queen G from 50 chests… Which is fine by me, but it took a looong time to save those 50 keys.
*Wrong thread… Im an eedyat.