Zuul refund wrong

Probably. I’m just surprised that after the Xathenos hullaballoo that this wasn’t tested, re-tested, and checked a third time before release. But all the releases go through rigorous QA, right?


That’s the core issue I’m really frustrated about. It’s okay to mess up once in a while, mistakes happen. But we’ve been getting mistakes every damn week for at least half a year now, often repeating past mistakes, even several times in a row. And it’s usually based on simple configuration even a trained ape would find difficult to get wrong, for lack of better words.

You’d think that a serious company would at least spend some token effort to get it right. Instead, they seem quite happy to let us do their Quality Assurance for them, by releasing changes that can’t possibly have been checked in any serious way. And whenever you stumble over one of their mistakes, it’s up to you to jump through hoops to not get stuck with the bill.



Did they even removed zuul goth from everyone who got him due to the bug?

Reading between the lines, it sounds like they might have failed to remove him from Guild War defense teams, because those get stored as copy.

Rather than spend a long time discussing it, I agree with: “There isn’t much in terms of a QA process in this game.” The number of instances where changing one feature has side effects on other, unrelated features is staggering.

So let’s walk through how I see this issue.

When you see something strange, like “a thing that used to cost 2 years of effort to craft now only costs a couple of weeks”, it’s natural to wonder, “Is it intentional?” If it’s expensive, it’s worth wondering that, because if it’s not, there’s some chance you won’t get your stuff refunded or that it will be an Anu’s Pain to get your stuff refunded.

So when I see something weird, I got to the forums to see if it’s been discussed yet. If it hasn’t, or there’s no dev response, I sit tight. Why?

Well, how long do troops stay in Soulforge? 7 days. So if it’s intentional, I can buy it at the end of the day or even the end of the week. No hurry.

I interpret “I had to buy it ASAP” as a kind of “Well, I thought it might be suspicious, and I hoped if it turned out to be an exploit I’d be able to keep it.” Don’t @ me, I don’t care to hear your, “No, I legitimately thought an item had been intentionally discounted 10000% without an announcement by the devs.” reasoning.

When something looks suspicious, wait and see. You don’t have to beg for mercy and get reimbursed if you wait. This is also true re: chests, which often take a bit of nudging to update properly. See the first paragraph.

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I used to think the same, I no longer believe this is the right approach. It just encourages them to continue delivering sloppy work. Besides, wait and see usually requires somebody to actually go ahead, trigger the trap and submit a bug report.

In my opinion, it would do the game a much greater service to run with as many players as possible into whatever looks suspicious, then dish it out with support, as painfully long as it takes. Support doesn’t come for free, once their support effort significantly surpases anything they would have to spend for quality assurance, they’ll shift priorities. It’s a bit like flushing your toilet, it’s possible to reduce your water bill never doing it, having to pay the plumber might get you to reconsider though.

To be fair, whenever I had contact with support I was very impressed by their level of service. I do feel sorry they are on the receiving end of all the fallout their company is intentionally causing to save money.

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Choices come with consequences. While your path is valid, let’s look at this:

If you willingly decide to mate with a toaster, you don’t get as much sympathy when you complain about the burns.

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And you called that other guys Walmart analogy bad? :wink:


It’s problematic because what happens when Wal-Mart prices an item wrong is a function of federal, state, and local laws combined with, “How much :poop: is the manager willing to put up with on this day?” I could probably walk in the same store on different days and get a completely different result.

I think we can all agree the results of mating with a toaster are consistent. It’s how you make the new fire pets.

Yeah no explanation is needed, it was a bad analogy, your toaster one was just right up there with it.

wow, after mr/mrs S., the selfproclaimed attorney of the developer , has given such a convincing plea, i feel so thankful now for this incomplete refund, that i received total undeserved after my wrongdoing.
(except that there’s nothing more i have to contribute here , that wouldn’t get me banned forever )

Well, I guess sometimes it takes some people willing to mate with a toaster for all the others to enjoy proper toast. :wink:

I really don’t understand why they insist on only fully refunding those submitting a support ticket. Sorry, but that feels very much like testing the limits on how far you can take shady business practices.

One time, at Walmart (ironically enough), there were really expensive dog treats on sale on clearance. As I went through checkout, they came up as $0.01. I was shocked when I saw the receipt and next time I was there, I got the last 2 bags.

When I got to checkout, i was hoping they’d still be a penny…but the cashier was like, “that’s not right” and called a manager. Manager was busy, looked it up for about 8min and then said, “just go ahead with it.” It was awesome.

I am so expecting of mistakes in this game lately that even though I did know players were crafting zuulie’thulu, i didn’t even bother.

Point being, it’s a sad gow day when walmart has more integrity and players can’t trust that the game will work as advertised. Even more sad that end-gamers just take it as a matter of course and don’t even care anymore.

Tl:Dr everyone should get a zuul’goth for a penny because walmart

Agreed completely, whoever crafted him are prolly avid end-game players? By now everyone should know that the devs technical debt is never going to be addressed, exactly why I didn’t craft it either. But hey, it’s always me saying this, another 10 defending their practices.

And now people gotta send an e-mail just to get their resources back? Come on, that is bullsh*t. That’s why I sometimes go to my collection on xbox and make a 5 minute video of all my cards and resources. Who knows how much of their beloved coffee they are going to spill on the servers next time.

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it’s the whole missing RA fiasco over again. screw those who DON’T submit tickets for key refunds and we’ll look in to those who do…
not quite an honest business practice.

I recommended people sending in tickets just in case we missed anything. It’s the fastest way to have your issue resolved. If we have missed anything we will do our best to help you.

really @Saltypatra? so you guys refunded everyone who spent keys in those 4 hours of missing RA? even if they didn’t sent in a ticket?

And just how are the people who don’t read this particular forum thread, or the forum at all, going to do learn about this? Those who believed your full refund in-game mail and didn’t count their trait stones? Or is this just a generic recommendation for everybody, to send a ticket at least once each week to have your account checked? Because you know about other items we are not aware of that may have gone missing every once in a while?

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it’s lip service plain and simple.
They already know that only about 5% max of the player base even interacts on the forums… AND IT’S IN ENGLISH!!! we all speak English right?? well I do at least but they seem to want to ignore me now since I’m just calling them on all their bull.

Hey guys,

I’ve added some notes about the Zuul’Goth issue and fixing the refunds here: Zuul'Goth Issue & Incorrect Refund