"Worst" Mythic? [poll]

No way! I use him in my GW Blue attack team. He’s not there for attack, but his passive Barriers rock the house! Keep in mind, damage ratio plays a part of the GW scoring formula!

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I consider these three the worst in my opinion.
Stonehammer is only a more expensive Gorgotha/Jarl combined, Doomclaw is too slow & random, and Xathenos doesn’t feel rewarding nor mythical so don’t waste your crafting materials on him until he’s either buffed or re-worked.

So does number of turns and using a team slot for a passive barrier bot (that doesn’t even barrier the right targets half the time) just slows things down.

Right. I just meant he’s still useful WITH Dragons, his own kind because he creates purple and a lot of Dragons use that and he can boost D. Soul. Also, he could easily be put in backslot for devour and such. But, the Orc Mythic, he gets little to nothing being with other Orc, unless they’re all dead. Like one person said, the Orcs need him like a hole in the head.

Great poll and discussion.

The next one should be, which legendaries are masquerading as mythics. Top of my list are Krystenax, TDS and EK.


I like war, especially when used with double scorpius and abynissia, or double abynissia and scorpius, (that I can do) he’s a big hitter and gets to hit for huge damage after only a few turns in the right deck.

I think you mean Mythics masquerading as Legendaries! :wink:

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@Grundulum Great thread!

But I have a request-- could you add some of the mythics everyone is listing in comments to the poll? LOL, it’s driving me nuts!

I assume there’s a limit on how many options you can have in a poll since you listed 10. You could remove Euryali and Draakulis, who don’t belong in this list at all & are getting no votes, and add in Jotnar & War… and maybe remove Worldbreaker and add in Plague or Skadi?


I think I can add elements, but I’ve heard in the past that editing polls is slightly broken in Discourse — I think most people in the past have suggested that it’s easier/better to make an entirely new poll than to edit the old one. I’ll give it a whirl on my laptop in a bit and let you know what I find.

Edit: all y’all voting for Queen Aurora have some explaining to do…

Edit again: a poke around Google suggests that if I edit the poll I will delete all votes already cast. Sorry to everyone who hates War, Plague and Skadi (pacifists, hypochondriacs and homophobes?).


The only 2 on that list I don’t have are Gargantuar and Stonehammer, so from the looks of things I’m not missing anything. As others have said though I would definitely add War into the list, as he would be my 2nd pick after Xathenos. I guess a true test would be of the Mythics you have, which ones do you use the least? I saved up souls for 2 months to get Xathenos, and have never even had the inclination to use him once. Even when you come up against a rare defence team with him in, I have never even seen him cast once.

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Just to confirm, you’re not missing anything.



Worst one by far is Queen Aurora, because of reliance of other troops.

If she’s the only troop left she becomes 24 (y/g/p) create 10 gems of your choice.


I’m just here to say people dissing Plague are smoking the drapes. He is possibly the most powerful Mythic of all when used in skill-based play instead of explodey time click click.


Personally I don’t hate Plague because he’s weak, I hate him because he wins by making matches go on forever until you finally give up in boredom! :dizzy_face:

So yeah, he’s pretty powerful, but he’s the ultimate griefer card on defense. Someone was taking me to task on another thread for using Psion in my PVP defense, but even I would never inflict Plague on my opponents! :sneezing_face:

It’s just the principle of the thing, the fact that I don’t own Plague has nothing to do with it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I couldn’t vote. Where was War?

What is worse than War? Having three of him…

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I’ve got 6!!


My heart bleeds like the image for War’s spell for those of you getting copies of mythic troops from legendary tasks. How horrible.

While I’m discussing legendary tasks, if you pull a mythic during an exclusive week, is it the one that is exclusive to chests?

I think so…? Gotta get a player from a guild where this happens more than once a year…

Heck, I’m finally in a guild where we might complete all six tasks this week. The idea of then going on to finish a legendary task is close to idle speculation for me right now.

The mythic pool for legendary tasks is not the same as the pool for chests. My guild has gotten a different mythic than the exclusive chest one during said exclusive week.