Wonderful Valkyrie

So valk has been chosen in the draft, anyone happy about this?

I am :stuck_out_tongue: and 10 characters

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yep, mercy.

merci for correcting me :wink:

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I have great success with Jarl (fully traited) > Eternal Flame > Valkryie > Druid.

Very fast clear times as Jarl and Eternal Flame can chain for a very long time, just cast valkryie when the option arises to keep your turn doing so.

I average 30-70 souls a match depending on how many times I get valkryie off.

If you are going to win w/o casting valkryie at all, simply cast it right before you finish the last guy and then use druid who will be charged in the process to finish the match.

Isn’t there a hero class that matching 4 or 5 nets a soul?

Without going into the game I am pretty sure it is necromancy…but is that really worth all the stones?

Depends on how fast you can win the game, If you can keep the turn then every match 4 or 5 can speed you up in how fast you gain souls.

It isn’t worth at all, if you want to use your hero you have many other marvelous third traits, and a call team is much more efficient in soul gathering section.

With a line-up like this, why not use necromancy trait? What other hero traits benefit from keeping the turn?

If you are using valkyria you will hit the soul cap pretty easy, no need to have necromancy. Dont get me wrong I think its a very interesting trait, but will I spend those precious arcane stones on unlocking it? You can be sure I won’t.

Consider this then, would you unlock it if it was the first hero class to unlock if all troops have already been traited.?

At that point when I have all my troops traited I doubt I will have any need of souls. There for I still won’t unlock it because a troop of same arcanes can come out and I prefer being able to trait it right away. So no, not at any moment will I unlock that trait.

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Just curious, have you tried Zephyros in place of Berserker? One team I play is similar–but I use Jarl instead of Stone Giant and Zephyros instead of Berserker. I only mention it as an alternative because you destroy a column and do AoE damage (yellow boost) in addition to having Air Link and Air Spirit working in tandem with Valkyrie. You get King of Giants and Giant Captain bonuses.

I’m on Xbox so sadly no zephyros, and I plan on replacing stone giant with jarl as soon as I get him


I am very interested in your team, as I’ve had a soft spot for Giants for a while. Would a Giant typed hero work in there? What banner? I have Jarl, but he isn’t traited, I can get his first trait, but don’t think I have the stomach to farm 16 arcanes… especially after traiting out Crimson and Gorg lol

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Since the Hero Giant perk is not working, I have not messed with using him in that capacity yet.

I try Jarl in so many different combinations; however, I only have the Leader trait. If you can get Huge and Fiery Cloak, he is so nice. My plan is to work toward that, but for me there is no rush–he works fine as he is.

I am using the Banner of Progress [+1 Red, +1 Yellow Mana] which gives momentum to Jarl and Valkyrie. And when Jarl dies, the mana inertia moves to Valkyrie and Zephyros. I mainly made the team around Frost Giant, which I have fully traited. And of course Valkyrie, which is still needed for souls.

Ah Giants. I can get a Giant team with the following bonuses: Maester of Water, Lord of the Spire, Lord of Giants, and Giant General. But it is not anywhere near as effective as the one I previously mentioned.

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The giant perk is working in the sense it is worded.
The problem would be that the hero is not a Stormheim troop, which diminishes the team bonuses when trying to put the hero in a Stormheim giant team.

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The first bonus is for having four blue troops. The second is for having some number of Stormheim troops. I thought that both the third and the fourth refer to the number of Giants on the team, but you couldn’t possibly get two of those. Is that a typo, or is there a fourth way to get bonuses I am forgetting about?

Edit: never mind. It is late where I am.

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I have so much love for Valkyrie. To give you an idea of the extent of my appreciation of Valkyrie’s assets, I recently had a conversation with my wife that went something like this:

I politely asked her to wear Valkyrie armor because I thought Norse mythology would look smoking hot on her.

She just gave me the “you’re a geek" look.

I tried again, “would you at least brandish a spear and speak Old Norse to me?”


“Old English?”


She then marched out of the room.

I shouted after her, “Icelandic while holding an Ice Pick?”

Anyway–as I have mentioned elsewhere–I most decidedly do not like being restricted to teams having Valkyrie all the time. When I make a great team without her, however, my soul earnings trickle in like molasses flows on a Frost Giant beard; that is, slooowly.

I am hoping someone has a suggestion for using Great Maw with Valkyrie that works well. Here is what I have tried thus far.

For comparison, when Great Maw came out, I posted some builds on our guild website that did not use Valkyrie. I was using Prismatic Orb a lot as I leveled classes.

{Celestasia, The Great Maw, Paladin, Prismatic Orb} and {Alchemist, The Great Maw, Infernal King, Prismatic Orb}. Both teams used Holy Banner [+2 Yellow Mana]. The first team has Maester of Air and Lord of Devas, the second team has no bonuses. I enjoy them both and bring them out depending on what scouting reveals.

I am not a big fan of tossing Maw in with Valkyrie, Giant Spider, and Keeper because you will sometimes lose Maw and your game time gets heavily inflated by lobbing baby spiders at the other team via skulls in a kind of battle of attrition. To me, not fun. Not to mention that clubbing baby spiders seems a bit politically incorrect :innocent:

In light of this, my most efficacious Maw/Valk team seems to be {Alchemist, The Great Maw, Valkyrie, Sunweaver} using the Banner of Progress [+1 Red, +1 Yellow]. The Banner choice was made because at the beginning of the game, the pressure from the banner pushes on Alchemist and Maw. When you lose Alchemist, it pushes on Maw and Valkyrie. When you devour (Yay!) with Maw or lose him (Boo!), it pushes on Valkyrie and Sunweaver.

The main problem with this team is that it relies solely (or perhaps soul-ly *snicker) on skulls. Entangle can ruin your day, among other things. Whereas, the team I listed above with the Infernal King includes some AoE and the Paladin team has single target damage to work with skull damage. Far more efficient and effective. One option that seems to solve the lack of spell damage is replacing Sunweaver with our fuzzy friend: {Herdmaster, The Great Maw, Valkyrie, Crimson Bat}. This approach is fairly strong. It is a new favorite.

Any suggestions on effectual MawValk marriages?

In conclusion, marriage is all about compromise: maybe I can get my wife to dress up as Queen Elsa since she says Nein to Norse?


That moment when you’re bored and figure “what if”

#seemed like a good idea at the time

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