Winter of our Dreams

@xolid99 am I being overly optimistic, or is Eir Stoneshatter tailor-made for fun with Shahbanu? Unfreezable, lots of blue on kills sounds like something that would work nicely.

Randomness is still guaranteed by valravens, these are personalised AFAIK, so randomness still happens. Worst luck and best luck result in a difference of many games, esp with T7x10 and 256 starting sigils (10’s of battles).

:point_up_2:This is what I said. I stand by it. I don’t claim pure statistical randomness, I claim that different players will end up with randomly different # of games. From 8 starting sigils there is already a possible 4-game difference in class trials. The band is probably narrower for weekly events. You challenged this statement, but have made incorrect claims one after another while providing no proof that this is false. This is the last comment I will make until something new turns up.

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What the hell got you ridden? Cernunnos is a Celtic forest god and has absolutely nothing to do with ice. If you throw in something like that, you should keep it a little authentic. Cernunnos is my nickname in the game and I feel personally attacked. And where have my horns gone?!! :rage:
(no offense)


Number of ravens will always self correct to the average number they are willing to hand out to players. Not a single player starts with 4 sigils and gets “ahead” far enough with ravens only that they don’t need to purchase a tier from the shop.

Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to. :scream:

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The pattern is most likely very similar to how Luck Scrolls are distributed within a tower of doom (one every 4 floors after the first 4). There will probably be one valraven replacing a random troop within every X battles, and X probably increments up at certain intervals depending on the event. That would explain the very limited variability you see between players after a given number of fights. So semi-random is a good way of putting it, or maybe random within parameters. You’re all correct from the perspective you were looking at it.

Keep in mind that determining which troop within a battle or set of battles needs to be replaced with a valraven could be done with the same code that determines which room within a set of floors needs to get a luck scroll, or any other semi-random item placement. I would expect they use a common function with some input variables for this type of stuff rather than repeatedly code similar functions for each event.


Might I just add, I think the event medal name could use a second thought. “Medal of Defense” gives nothing to help with defense.

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I wish medals in world events were actually cool and not just giant stat boosts that might as well be “haha I win (usually)” glass cannons :pensive:


It’d be cool if the weekly medal rewarded you for building some kind of weird purpose-built team that wouldn’t make sense without the medal but did really well with it.

Instead it’s just a constant “+skull damage” or “+magic” or, if we get lucky, both. So just like every other weekly event, there’s one obvious meta team and if you wait for your guild network to figure it out before spending a sigil on Tuesday then you play the same match with the same team over and over again to meet all your goals and repeat.


RE: @awryan’s conspiracy theory:

A very smart statistics player proved definitively almost 2, maybe more, years ago that the GoW RNG has a strong bias for streaks. But you, specifically, argued against that person and me and insisted that we “lrn 2n play n00bs”, so I still spitefully can’t join you even though you now realize just how wrong you were. Screw you and the jerks your guild has encouraged to attack people who actually know what they’re talking about. You have disagreed dramatically with all of the points you are making today so please lay in the bed of barf you have created and enjoy it. If you want to fix the problem, encourage your entire network to quit the game. It’d have a huge impact if your whole network went on strike, but you don’t have the courage because you all have the same sickness I do. You’re the kind of person who says “be a player, not a payer” but will frequently admit you cave and spend significant amounts of money. It’s a flaw, I get it.

They hit you because they love you. Keep presenting the other cheek. When you log on tomorrow, the statements you make today ring hollow. They need you more than you need them.

For some reason I can’t recall a conversation I had with a stranger on the internet from 2 years ago.
If you can find that conversation and bring it to my attention then that would be fantastic. Until then you can keep your random shade to yourself. Because all you’re doing is talking shit about a memory you believe you have.

To be fair I stopped reading after I read that gibberish. Since I know I would never use those words and yet you feel comfortable trying to quote me.
I do appreciate the reminder as to why I stopped reading your nonsense posts.
Since you evidently remember every single interaction of ours. I imagine you won’t have trouble remembering this request. Don’t “@” me ever again. :+1:

I wont see it, as I already cleared all lvl 10 fights and are below 500 points. (wasnt offered enough towers…)

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Might be interesting with the 11 blue gems and bumping it’s damage. However Shahbanu’s achilles heel is being frozen, and they share 2 colours, so if Shahbanu is frozen, there’s problems. Having said that, both would work with Gavel, and removing any snap freeze, but it’s getting to controlling the board that’s the biggest issue. The only thing that adds at the start is if snap freeze hits it and will fail.

The bigger issue is dropping a component with Shahbanu for getting it going, whilst at the same time being able to gain mana without passing the turn.

Maybe in explore with no freeze, that seems the best option maybe.

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You recently abjectly dismissed my personal data/experience regarding nysha token availability but yet now scream and shout about epic vault keys based on 3 days of data. That’s hilarious hypocrisy


Where did I do any of the things you alleg I did?

Oh you mean the thread where you claimed nothing but nonsense cloaked behind the excuse that you heard it from others? With zero data behind the trollish claims.

I stood up for those you were trying to put down for loving math. And I answered your question. You’re welcome.

It may seem odd to encourage others to have a discussion about something that could be an issue. While also dismissing your thoughts on a different matter because they were bull shit.
But that’s what actual logic and reasoning can grant a person. It’s almost like a super power in today’s world.
I highly recommend you learn what “hypocrisy” actually means before you try to brand others with being it. I admit it’s a cool word. It’s even cooler when you know how to actually use it, bud. :grinning:

Your delusion and misperception of almost every written word is worthy of a thesis

It’s easy to forget what you don’t pay attention to. It’s one of the better posts made on this forum, back when TDS was a menace:

They’re still around, they just gave up making cool numbers posts because it sucks when the only responses you get is a bunch of people with no qualifications saying math is wrong. Same user’s made many fabulous posts, I’m not going to dig them all up.

You can try to misdirect and insult my writing, but like a unit circle you don’t make a point. Which is fitting, because you post in circles.

One day it’s “people blame the game for their lack of skill” the next day it’s “my guild should have more points, obviously the game is specifically programmed to give us bad luck.” It’s not my job to document your history, as you’ve left a long trail of written history on this very forum and it’s searchable. There’s so many flip-flops I feel like I’m at an electromechanical devices convention on the beach.

Like oatmeal, there is a consistency to your inconsistency. I’mma keep pointing out when you make the posts you attack most, you can’t stop the @ by asking me. Only Saltyp@ra has that power. If you want me to stop, quit being astonished by things you’ve explained to other people. If your memory is that bad I’m truly concerned!


Here’s mine.

Any my sequence matches igniteice’s exactly, if I keep turning the page on the TOP spot, first getting there by following the ‘highest rarity, lowest level’ strategy.

Start Pts  Raven?  Enemy
?          Raven   ?
320	       Raven   Blast Tower 110
350                Ironjaw 10 (top)
360                Blast Tower 135 (top)
390                Ironjaw 55 (top)
400                Catapult Tower 190 (top)
420        Raven   Catapult Tower 210 (top)
440                Catapult Tower 230 (top)
460                Catapult Tower 250 (top)
480                Catapult Tower 270 (top)
500        Raven   Catapult Tower 290 (top)
520                Ironjaw 70 (top)
530                Ironjaw 85 (top)
540                Catapult Tower 310 (top)

Of note: Valvarens are spread differently from igniteice’s post, and for this stretch I used 14 sigils but gained 8, a net use of 6 and rate of 14/6=2.33x sigils.

Most guilds have their own Tower of Doom map. We just need someone to create a GLOBAL World Event map, if this pattern of pre-set reveals persists into future events.

It may look something like this:

Spawn point (from 12 o’clock clockwise)

#1 (top)          #2  (2')           #3 (5')             #4                  #5
Blast Tower 110
Ironjaw 10
Catapult Tower 190

Which might reveal that with a set number of sigils, the best route is NOT always to take the highest ALL the time. It could well be to take the lowest one, which will then open into a series of 5 blast towers. A good optimisation exercise for someone with a curious mind!

Footnote: Don’t quote me, but I have a feeling that earlier event spawn points actually move around a bit, making it harder to pin down sequences. It didn’t help that there were essentially 3 disjoint sets of spawn points that appeared and disappeared. But there was a bug with shaking/overlapping icons, which may have been fixed with the current event’s spawn points spaced as far as possible on the points of a virtual pentagon.

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Gotcha. I thought Eir’s ability to keep the loop going might overcome her lack of damage (compared to some of the other damage-dealers we’ve discussed), but it sounds like speed is more important than keeping the loop going for Shahbanu teams. Thanks.

I took a peak at scoring, and this event scoring suggests best strategy for this event is:
" Towers first, than lowest level" (rarity of non-tower battles doesn’t matter as they both give same numbers)

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You randomly tag me in this rant claiming that I said a bunch of shit that I don’t recall at all.

I point out how I have zero memory of such an occurrence and ask for proof of your “memory” of our interaction.

You then reply with a thread that I’ve never read until now let a lone commented on it.

And you basically project advice that you yourself should adhere to.

Moving forward I’m just going to flag your disparaging remarks. And hopefully that will suffice for the attention that you’re thirsty for.