Why some troops should be nerfed?

I see you were joking and i would only add the ONLY nerf i would agree to is the nerf of the devs nerf-spoon

Oh come on, you handed this one to your trolls on a silver platter.

If my trolls could nerf a troop just to get rid of me then this is a game i want nothing to do with anyway

Yeah but no. I already asked in the past that all named troops (Epic, Leg, Mythic wasn’t there at that time) but Sirrian already said “no way, maybe for a new game mode”.

There was this topic on Mab and I didn’t find any things to say… So let’s forget about her.
But the two other ones, yeah, they certainly be nerfed, not because they form an unbeatable team but because they are alone too powerful. FG can create so much skulls, put barrier on your whole team (if they are Beast) and fill him again. For Famine, I don’t know, it seems due to the overgain of mana by turn that we have: that a 24 mana troop fills in 1 or 2 turns seems an error for me.
About Ragna, yeah he seems too strong (ie generates too much mana) but less reliable. I didn’t do enough tests with him but it seems that after an explosion it’s 1/3 chance you have some extra-trun, 1/3 you give extra-turn to AI and the last 1/3 nothing happens. So because of this 1/3 chance to give extra turn to AI, I think Ragna could stay like that.

Because most of the troops are on the “standard” field, I think it’s easier for devs to nerf some troops than buffing many troops. And I don’t want that all troops will “do the same” but that their value is similar (quantify value is a difficult question). Not one troop that do “Jumble+extra” and the another that do “jumble+extra+charm”…

Yeah but he doesn’t buff (but he cleanse) and he doesn’t have an extra turn. And his traits are far useful than Fiwzzbang.

Or put a malus in stats as the limit seems to be impossible…

Thrall is doing something similar since ages…

Ascension was there to put other rarities “as good as Mythics”. Now I understand that most of players doesn’t want that a basic Common be as strong than Gard but I think they shouldn’t be useless at the end-game.

And in order to achieve thia you want everything nerfed to equal levels of uselessness

In this specific case (ie useless basic Common troops), no, I think these troops should be buffed, like Dwarven Miner’s one.

OMG… i just realize something. the bad nerf was intentional. they know the friction it will cost. but they need it to happen to distract us from the bad update and gem nerf. this issue has kept people arguing with each other to the point that bad update and gem nerf is almost forgotten.

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Let’s not. Her teams are disruptive of the game, console players quote them specifically for making Wars a monotone chore.

To me too, but is not Famine’s fault. Another Mythic that fills too fast is Draakulis, I don’t understand why only 20 mana. On the other hand other life-suckers fill with less.

So should Fizzbang be reborn as a Legendary she would be fine? Many Legendaries do three things in one cast. Some do things without even casting.

Also, devs don’t gather troops in the fields and the woods. If they create unequal cards and cards with both positive and negative traits it’s because they want the game to be that way.

Mileages may vary. But if Fizzbang is less useful than other troops why nerf her? She would be an one-week-wonder like many others.

Not quite. Thrall destroys a fixed number of random gems, the Miner now destroys a good deal of gems of a color of your choice. This mean that you can fill an ally or take away a color the adversary needs or start a cascade. Or all three. For a paltry mana cost.
Here in the forum I read that stopping the original Fizzbang was be too slow and costly, while you can stop her cold easily. But until you only look at Legendaries and Mythics then you have a problem.

Simple cards with simple effects are needed, though. When you are a beginner Poison is deadly and Burning a catastrophe. For a time, Poison Master has been my most powerful card.

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This is an interesting idea and got the left side of my brain firing…

What if upon Ascending to Mythic level, the actually received a Buff that brought it up to that playing field?

For example:
Standard Peasant: Pitchfork- 3 Blue- Destroy a Gem and the Gems on either side of it.

MYTHIC Peasant: Golden Pitchfork- 6 Blue- Destroy [Magic/2] selected Gems.

My peasants magic stat is at 12. This would give me the ability to destroy 6 gems of my choosing effectively allowing me to manufacture at least a single match for, maybe a match 5 if the gems are in the right place. It’s not OP, but I would certainly be willing to use this guy in an End Game team as a form of Mana Gain and Board Control.

Thematically, because these things matter to me, Peasants are the workers that feed your army. Having them be a reliable means of mana gain in late game makes sense.

Is this crazy or is this brilliant? :thinking:
I’m truly not sure… but I am liking it… :grin:


Like this?


That would be a massive overhaul of troop design and coding, so probably isn’t realistic (as both @efh313 and moreso @KrudlerTheHorse indicated). It IS a cool idea, but would probably only work if it were incorporated at the outset of game design, rather than trying to squeeze it into an already complex game. I think we’ll need to settle for the periodic troop and kingdom overhauls that we’re getting. Sorry Peasant, you’ll be on the outside looking in, but I can still find a use for you in Arena sometimes…


You know what they say about great minds…

“Never knew @efh313 or @KrudlerTheHorse had one!”



Elemaugrim is far from underwhelming. With this super cascades now, he can drop another teams attack to 0 quite often

Let’s praise the cascades, then. Nobend drops enemy attacks to 0 on a regular basis, and it has to cast for it.

about the original post

In general, I prefer fully balanced games. So, a weapon that deal more damage costs more mana.

So, to play GoW, if we all paid for the game like 30$ and then 5$ a month for servers, then we could say: we all pay equal, please make the playing field equal.

Alas, this is a FTP with IAP, so the model usually involves getting better card and stuff if you pay.

The other big bias is that it’s purely PvE, (even the PvP).

So once again, players having good cards affect no one but themselves. Let’s face it, the game is not hard, and anyone could, with time, beat any team with an Alchemist and an Hellcat.

So what do I think should be looked at?
1- cards that creates frustrating game situation (where the players does nothing and die)

2- cards with powerful, game changing power based on luck (Devour, transform, destroy) since it also adds mostly frustration

3- cards that just go against the grain of the game .

For #3: to me, the essence of the game is (or at least the way I describe it to friends);
strategically match gems to gather mana to attack and cast spell against the opponent

So, take 2 common culprit:
Famine: the entire game revolves around mana gathering. To have 1 single spell drain every single ounce of mana just removes a player from the game. It was a bad idea from the start, and however they nerf the card, as long as you can empty the full mana pool with 1 cast there will be a problem.

Fizzbang: by exploding and replaying, you actually remove the gem matching aspect of the game. Extra turns are usually earned by doing good gem match, and devs should beware of cards that give the free turn, specially if it affects the board ( hello wisp)


So… Get rid of mana drainers, exploders, goblins, and mab… Gotcha…

Lets all just play with skeletons

But Famine has 24 mana cost and is vulnerable to everything.

How can Fizzbang be a common anything? She’s not yet a week old.
And a) there’s nothing ‘in the grain of the game’ like goblins. They are the very first troop you get. Goblins are green, they stink and they have double turns, that’s what defines goblins.
Also b) lately you get double turns by Russian rouletting with a machine gun. I see blocks of 6/7 same-color gems tumble from the sky.

I find Mab mightily annoying but that’s not the problem. It’s the Three Female Puppies Team that is unreasonably overpowering, also very boring and everywhere. Also, shame on you! Skeleton is a spammer. A Skull spammer, nothing less.

I was being sarcastic…

Mab like everything else is beatable. Even in justice league it is easily beatable if you use the right team(s)

Nerf isnt the answer team building is

You give me a team i will give you a team to use that will win 98% of the time against it. Period.

I think misfires fits.
Here in Australia we have a slang term that fits her perfectly:

Something that promised excitement but instead was a disappointment.

“That footy game turned out to be a real fizzer.”



Im not praising the cascades, i hate them myself. I was just saying Elemaugrim is not underwhelming to me. At least when Impervious works correctly…