Why haven't Pathfinders nerf been reversed yet?

It’s so, so not, it treated Wand, Stella, Takshaka, Takshaka and Stella Wand Takshaka Takshaka as a different team. :woman_facepalming: three identical troops + 1 different troop (e.g. a different empowered converter) making no difference for game play - also are treated as different teams, even though they are basically the same. So whatever code was added, it’s barely working.

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I hear what your saying but they are reintroducing stella and wand to pvp after a rebalance so unless they make a massive turn in there thinking, it seems highly unlikely that they will have troops that can NOT be used in PvP. I always thought the journey troops were broken even way back on release and had the same thought on wand of stars stupidly overpowered for there cost.

The original version of those Pathfinder troops – not counting Hawthorne and Deathclaw, whose spells were very different – was a clumsy (over)compensation to an issue. And like many problems, the root cause of one problem was found in the solution to a previous problem, throwing the balance off in a completely different direction and requiring a “scramble” to fix what they had just broken.

At its’ heart, the “problem” isn’t really the Journey troops, per se. It’s the eff’ed up scoring rules for the Journey event combined with the large number of troop restriction paradigms that make it difficult to put together a viable team, let alone one that can complete the event quickly and effectively without bleeding event scoring.

None of the other weekly guild events have a penalty to scoring; I don’t see why Journey should have it either. And if removing the scoring penalties resulted in a massive tie on top of the individual leaderboard, is that really something so heinous as to avoid?


It was also two other things…

  1. Largely panned as not enjoyable (But all Journeys have been, so :woman_shrugging:)

  2. Green/Elementalist restriction, which not a particularly punishing restriction set.

Ditto for the purple / undead.

If they put actual testing and thought into setting event restrictions, instead of using the ACME Eventron 5000, random restriction generator, maybe journey troops could be more creative.