Journey is getting ridiculous

Journey is getting out of hand. The score is accumulated to slow. You barely get any points for the battles for the high score reward portals. It is hard for veteran players even to get through high level battles. No helpful troop options. Journey troop after you nerfed it is a joke. Journey the way it is, is turning out to be a good way to quit the game. I feel Journey event needs reworking and made to be a little more achieveable ending.


Or just be removed all together. As it is its a faction restricted event with potions and ZERO advantage given to the player. In fact you are at a disadvantage because you have to take a dead weight journey troop you never cast.

Devs know we hate it. Devs dont care. If they did theyd unnerf the journey troop. Troops are so powerful now it shouldnt matter. Heck it might give newer players a chance in pvp


^This 100 million percent.

New players don’t have Stellarix or other powerful options in pvp, so being able to work their way up to more powerful options can be too challenging. I don’t understand why this is so complicated.

How are newer players supposed to defeat more powerful teams with limited options? Immortals help, but they are mostly locked behind money and a terrible loot box system.

If I tried to make a new account, I would probably realize how difficult it is to make any progress. But I already know how it would be–terrible…


Yup and those endless looping teams journey troops allowed would give them a leg up. It wouldnt hurt me at all. I have stellarix and every other troop. Those looping teams would be dead before they could move.

Theres literally no reason for the journey troop nerf now. Unless of course the devs want journey to be a soul sucking slog!


Before the players complained about the journey troops had too much loop in PVP. Now it isn’t enough for Journey.
I guess it isn’t complicated add “1 more gems if it is used in Journey”.

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The journey troop could also create more gems on attack than defence in pvp so there’s no rage quitting for being looped to death.

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Understatement of the century. Journey shouldn’t exist now as far as I’m concerned (I feel sorry for those still needing the achievement)


This was meant to be a reply directly to the OP, not sure why it didn’t show up as such:


they should skip changing the journey troop itself and fix the enemy scaling, scoring, and probably the identity of Journey itself so we can get more variety of troops besides gem loopers.

I’d take a change in journey troop/band-aid but considering how much the dev team doesn’t believe in band-aids… I’m not holding my breath.


Problem isn’t that they don’t believe in band aids - it’s actually that they love band-aids (especially those that make it worse for the players (in my experience (few years) of playing anyway). What they don’t seem to like, is actually fixing issues properly.


Journey was never fun in ny opinion.
However it was possible to loop-win, even though the fight took a long time at high level, without any penalty.
After nerfing the Journey troops, it it now ridiculous. Still not fun. Still as time consuming - but now with the bonus that you have points deducted and more lost fights.

In my Guild, Journey event is without any requirement to participate, as the only Guild event.

But someone is always bringing this up when a Journey event is here - however the micro improvements the devs have made after nerfing the Journey troops, are laughable. It looks like ridiculous Journey is here to stay, so the only option we have: do not participate in the Journey events.


Agree that it was never fun. This week was probably one of the worst weeks period, but Journey has always been a terrible event, with nothing going for it. Ridiculous troop level scaling with no built-in way to counter it. Every other guild event has a (simple) way to deal with the scaling (boss killer troops, tower killer troops, or medals). Can’t they at least make the journey troop do scaled-up damage in its own event, before it becomes useless forever?


Journey is a mode he most of my guild doesn’t participate in. There are a few members who still try, but as a whole the guild never makes it past Reward 10 or 11. We consider it an off week and focus on other things.

Journey could be doable again with the nerf to the Journey troop if the devs would just get rid of the point penalties.

But like so many other things in this game now, there is no point wasting time and gems on this game mode.