You've ignored our jounery complaints long enough. Time to fix journey

Yes another journey thread. There is zero reason for the pathfinder troops to be nerfed any longer with all the ways there are to counter them. So heres what you can do to make the horrible game mode that is journey bareable.

  1. Remove the pathfinder nerf. Fixes everything.
  2. Barring that remove the requirment for there to be a pathfinder on the team. Stop making us take dead weight. We never cast these things.
  3. If you still dont want to do that then remove the variable distance depending on “how the battle went.”

As it is journey is a chore and should not be in the game. Take 2 seconds off from pvp and fix this broken mode. Thanks.


Agreed. Alternatively, skip Journey, give us extra World Events and put the Books of Deeds as a reward in there instead. Just stop torturing us, please.


Heck theres no reason to take time off from world events. They even get to make more money having the event pass more often

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Since when have they ever fixed anything?? They’ll just make things worse.


It is consistently, the least fun and most laborious event of the rotation.
Trimming reward requirements or awarding more miles isn’t going to fix this.

The enemies need to scale much slower OR have a level difficulty cap like in Tower of Doom where enemies stop scaling at level 400 on floor 25.


I agree overall, although the current Patfinders aren’t terrible troops, I’ve used two or even three of them to successfully loop.

But still, yes, Journey is SUCH A SLOG. Not enjoyable in the slightest degree. Playing multi-minute battles only to scratch out a few miles, with the pleasure of doing the same again…and again.

Yes, there have been adjustments to the Reward values and enemy level increases, but they’ve been minor and have had little measurable impact on the tedium and frustration of this event.

Devs, it’s time to either make some significant changes to Journey or nix the …. thing.


I think that merely fixing the scoring rules by removing the mileage penalty for lengthy battles would be fine. Maybe a slight tweak to the Pathfinder troops to make them a little less useless, but not a reversion to the old paradigm which turned problematic in certain other game modes.

(No, I’m not a fan of full reversion plus a “shadow ban” in PvP the way it has been done with Stellarix and the Wand of Stars; a “shadow ban” is a tacit admission that there’s a very real problem with the troop/weapon in question.)

I’m probably in the minority – I really like Journey and I’m glad to see it as part of the regular rotation and not just because it is the weekly event with the best rewards in the entire game. (For a guild that completes everything, which I made a point of transferring to several years ago for that precise reason.) And that included this week’s Journey, even though the one Immortal I’m missing is the one that would have been useful this week and therefore I had to patch together a team around that restriction and therefore lost a steady trickle of miles after a while.

There is stuff within the GoW universe that needs “significant changes”; I don’t believe Journey is one of them even though it almost certainly requires some amount of change.

When it started, I really liked journey. The idea of having to pick between different battles, and make difficult choices (do you want that stat boost, if you get less points for the battle in exchange?) as you go, as well as rewarding certain playstyles with bonuses (if you kill the enemy fast, you get more points), seemed really fun.
The looping style of pathfinders made the mode more boring, but used a “low risk, high penalty” system that made it harder as you went further into the journey. By which I mean, they did not scale AT ALL with harder battles, so you just ended up casting them more each battle. Which meant that the low chance of them failing to loop was more of a problem each battle, until you reached one cast that failed and you set up the enemy team to one-turn wipe you, or if you were lucky the fight was dragged out and/or you lost troops, so you’d win with low points.
The biggest problem is that they then focused on journey working around these low risk loopers, and the idea of troops which suck to use or to play against (even if you’re winning with them, it’s slow and repetitive to do so). So, the troops and mode both needed re-working to some degree. If they reworked the bonus system to give more bonus miles and have more choice in how to earn them (kinda like the VP bonuses in PvP), and had troops with more scaling as pathfinders, I think it would work a lot better.

The most acute problem is that there’s no scaling at all for pathfinders, that sooner or later enemy level increased to the point to battles drag out if not outright impossibly difficult. To my experience that point comes by Friday or Saturday with shop tier 4. That, in turn, makes shop tier 5+ having little or no attraction, so it hurts your money grabbing, devs.

There need to be some scaling mechanic in journey. Medals is a good and easy option. Another option is to utilise that vey under-used epic/legendary/mythic battle with extra sigils spent mechanic. Make pathfinder reduce the cost of extra sigil, say, -0/-1/-2 based on his rarity, so that we can afford to run legendary battles without extra cost when using max-ascended pathfinder. (Of course, total sigil cost should never be lower than 1.)

Without scaling, enemy level should be capped no later than level 400, preferably level 300 or even less.


The entire game is such a slog now. It stopped being an enjoyable game after tokens/badges/medals were introduced and its just gotten worse since then.


Problem is, this requires a significantly higher buy-in. On top of all the other penalties Journey imposes, scoring is also based on the ascension level of the Pathfinder, with shop tiers set up to leave you with just one copy after ascension. So you need to either purchase an extra shop tier (at scaling cost) or waste a blue orb on your Pathfinder prior to ascending it.


whats that? you want a harder nerf :+1: you got it


I also can’t stand Journey week, it’s always such a drag. Not only do the matches take forever, but we lose points from them taking too long because none of the troops within restrictions can ever get the job done at higher levels. The only Journey that was enjoyable was the elemental one because of Emberclaw. My suggestion would be to have the number of turns before being penalized increased as enemy level increases. Level 0-150 = 10 turns, 150-250 = 15 turns, 250+ 18 turns. Also I would suggest taking the color restrictions off as well and let us use any troop of that type.


Another problem with Journey is the “Attribute” bonuses that periodically show up. Last week, I never saw one for Magic at all - mostly Attack and Defense, sometimes Life. And usually, the bonus would show up on the lower mileage option only.

Suggest, you offer same bonus to all path options on screen and make sure Magic shows up more often.


100% agree, our guild never completes all rewards now because of these stupid changes. This is the only event that everyone hates and where most guilds don’t unlock all rewards.

I am sick of losing guild members because of Journey. At the start of the Journey week I had 30 members so a full guild and at the end of the Journey week I had 26 guild members, all left because of Journey.

This event is killing the game and our guilds so please make some more changes to make it more playable.