Who flipped the "F*** You" switch?

Of course not all your fights over 2.5 were grossly unfair, but we have been very transparent over the last 2.5 years that the game does lean in favour of the player.

I feel like I haven’t explained things as well as I could have, so let me try again.

On normal mode, cascades and RNG are much more in favour of the player. In PVP and Guild Wars, the RNG is still in favour of the player, but to a lesser extent. This is even truer now we have fixed the RNG to be slightly fairer as of the PC move to Unity. This is in relation to the combo breaker that stops the AI getting too lucky with cascades.

There is another combo breaker in place in relation to gem spammers that stops both the player and the AI from getting an excessive amount of turns in a row. EDIT: This is not yet on console, but will be coming with the next update.

I have tried to explain this as simply as I can so there is no misunderstanding. Console will be getting the improved RNG and AI tweaks which should help eliminate some of the streakiness of cascades. We haven’t finished tweaking the PC RNG and AI behaviour, so when we make further changes we will let the community know.