When does choice become background noise?

If I just did not count it wrong, there are currently 796 different avatars and 389 user titles available in the game (did not bother to count the individual chat smileys), with the number rising at least once per week.
Does anybody, whether it’s new players or old ones who want to freshen things up, actually still scroll through those lists, or do you only notice something worth changing to, when a new one is released?
Would you be more likely to check them individually, if there were only 50-100? Is there any specific reason, why there need to be so many of those, except for “more content”?

What list…? :man_shrugging:

(I haven’t bothered looking at it for a long time)

As someone who cares about owning random junk like that, I stopped caring when they started actively encouraging heavy gem expenditures in other areas of the game.

I buy every emote set, avatar, and user title that I don’t earn for free through event rewards, Campaign Passes, etc. I enjoy collecting stuff like that just for fun.

I almost never change my avatar or use title, though, have had the same ones set for quite a while because they’re options that I really, really like.